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Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

Kristine Miller-Anderson
Grand Canyon University
January 18, 2015

Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan

Hello and welcome to my Kindergarten class. My name is Kristine Miller-Anderson, you may call me
Mrs. K for short. Your child has an exciting year planned ahead for them, with lots of room for exploration
and growth. By the end of the year, your child will know their ABCs, count to 20, colors, write their first
and last name, and science. They will learn through in class engagement with one another, outside with
nature, and field trips. I look forward to getting to know your child and each one of you, during this next
journey of Kindergarten.

Section One: Mission and Vision Statement

Web Address




Description of resource
Articles for parents &/or teachers,

Targeted Grade
Children of all ages: Art, English,

activities, ideas, online games,

from Preschool, K-

Math &

workbooks & worksheets

Full curriculum for parents &/or

Preschool to

Art, colors,

teachers which provides different


reading, math,

levels online to accomplish. Each child

music &

has their own saved status for future


Activities for parents &/or teachers to

Kindergarten &/or

Art, games,

teach about either English, Spanish,

children of all


Math, etc. through the power of

Elementary ages

playlists &

puppets and music.

Utilizing childrens favorite

Preschool through

Colors, math,

cartoons/shows, parents &/or teachers

Elementary ages


teach with creative material, games,

matching &

video or live (interaction).

5. Bible Christian based curriculum for

parents &/or teachers to help children


Infants, Preschool,


K through 12

based syllabus

discover Bible personalities, learn


about Jesus and how to fulfill Gods



training tools &

In the world of education today, technology has become integrated in
the curriculum for most teachers and their students. The importance of
technology in the classroom has provided a new way of learning and the
teaching experience, outside of the old book and pencil concept. When
used properly, technology can be a tool that enhances and reinforces the
curriculum, but, of course, try not to think of technology as a substitute
teacher. (Sharon Taylor 1/20/12 Scholastic website).
Integrating the Three Technologies has usefulness in the classroom from a teacher
standpoint by providing a website that helps keep the whiteboard organized,
in sequence, and track each student individually utilizing the Lesson Builder,
Progress Tracker, Tickets & Rewards System. has usefulness
in the classroom from student standpoint by providing more than 450
lessons and 5,000 learning activities to where boredom is not an option.
Another standpoint is the reward system for continuously progressing
through the levels provided within the website. The possible teaching or
learning outcomes are that learning becomes a game. Games are in the
form of: art and colors, books, math, puzzles, reading. The ease of usage on
the website is simple for both teachers and students. The legal accessibility
is to sign-up for monthly usage, which costs as low as $7.95 per month. One
of the greatest benefits of is the availability. Teachers and
students are able to access the website from any computer and pick-up

where they left off. Teachers use to supplement their

classroom curriculum with highly engaging and educational activities that
can be done with the class as a whole (using a digital or interactive
whiteboard) or with children working on computers individually or in small
learning groups, or in a computer-lab setting. (Author Unknown has usefulness in the classroom from a teacher
standpoint by providing a website that offers resources that help children
reach their full potential. Teachers are able to supplement learning with
quality games, workbooks, worksheets, that are organized by grade and/or
topic. has usefulness in the classroom from a student
standpoint by utilizing over 15,000 worksheets and/or games, which makes
practice fun. The possible teaching or learning outcomes is the
reinforcement of learning and boosting confidence through: activities,
articles, games, science fair, workbooks and worksheets. The ease of usage
on this website is easy with the assistance of a teacher. The legal
accessibility and cost is free only up to a certain point of printed worksheets.
After that, there is a fee for more printed worksheets or access to different
areas of the website. The prices vary depending on the teachers choice of
usage. The availability is always at the touch of a keyboard. While students
use the knowledge gained from video instruction to work together in the
classroom, the teacher has more freedom to help each student individually.
(Roberta Munoz 9/16/13 has usefulness in the classroom from a teacher

standpoint by providing a website that offers resources that help equip
children to reach their peak potential as Jesus disciples. Teachers are able to
utilize the Bible based curriculum with articles for childrens ministry, newsletter, product catalog, samples and downloads,
training tools. Also available to teachers is booklets, sample lessons, and
Christian based syllabus. has usefulness in the classroom
from a student standpoint by offering products such as flannelgraph sets,
puppets, review kids, and seasonal lesson kits. The possible teaching or
learning outcomes laying a solid Theological foundation which engages
childrens interests. The ease of usage on this website is geared more
toward a teacher for lesson planning. Yes, a student may be able to access
the website if need be, but only with the assistance of a teacher. The
reliability is based on different variations of the Bible. The legal accessibility
is restricted to the terms and conditions of the website. The cost depends on
the material is going to be utilized, such as: downloads and/or ordering the
books or puppets. Curriculum must never replace Gods Word. resources are specifically designed so children use Bibles in
each lesson. (Mark Steiner)
Teaching and learning are accomplished in many different ways.
Technology has helped improve and provide more opportunities to
accomplish teaching and learning. Teachers can utilize technology as

another way to reach their students and help them open the world
possibilities. Technology helps connect the teacher with the student by
closing the door to yesterdays way of teaching and learning, and moving
forward into the future of tomorrow.

Section Two: Communications Plan

Open communication is key! Communication needs to remain
consistent and up to date for the success for each and every student. I have
provided a website to where we can all communicate with one another 24/7.
The website will include all my contact information and how I can be reached
with any questions or concerns. I will also have listed on my website the
daily and weekly assignments, including the month overview. This helps
keeps everyone on the same page and eliminate confusion as to where we
are in the lesson plan. My website is:
We must recognize the importance of communities and families in
supporting their childrens education, because a parent is a childs first
teacher. (President Barack Obama Education Reform)

Section Three: Integrating Instructional Technology

I will be utilizing technology within my classroom to teach outside of

the classic book and pencil method of teaching. I want to help introduce
technology to your child and also observe and record their progress. One of
the methods of technology that I prefer to utilize is What is
great about this technology program, is that your child can also practice at
home. As a class, we will each have our own computers/laptops. I will have
an overhead projection that will be on the same page as every student. I will
go over the lesson, game, quiz or story. Each child will then answer the
questions. If there is a child that has a question, I will assist them. The
overall answers to the questions will be placed under your childs own
account, so I may keep track of their progress. I will be able to have more of
an understanding as to which child needs more one on one assistance or
which child may need to be more challenged. Once this information is
obtained, I will then keep in contact with you the parent via my website: email or text message to let you be aware of your childs progress.

Section Four: Software to Support Assessment

I do have a friend that is not necessarily a teacher, but she has her
teaching degree and owns her own day care facility run out of her home. I

have known her for two years now. I have been recently hired as her
assistant director. I too have day care experience under my belt. I did have
my own day care at one time and chose to close it and focus on school. I
have also been raised in an in home day care facility. My Mother has owned
at operated her own day care for almost 40 years, as of this coming
February. My friend that owns her own day care runs a Christian based day
care, Carrousel Family Day Care. The online sources that she utilizes is the
ABEKA program. From what I have observed, it is more ordering online and
then utilizing the supplies (CDs and workbooks) to work with your students.
The programs that she utilizes in assessing the students is via through the
state of Nevada. We have to take so many hours of classes each year, along
with finger printing and a security clearance. We also have to have the
basics of CPR and First Aid renewed every four years. The assessment
program is very easy to utilize. There was a mandatory class that we each
had to take and received hours of credit required by the state of Nevada.
The classes for the assessment program are offered by The Childrens
Cabinet. The rule of thumb is to observe a child that has entered your day
care/class within a matter of three weeks. There are different sections
broken down according to the age of the child to make your observation.
After the observation, then the teacher must answer questions. The answer
with the amount percentages will determine if the child is where they need
to be academically and socially, along with fine motor skills. Child Care
Licensing serves Nevadas communities by ensuring the health, safety, and

well-being of children in licensed child care facilities. Child Care Licensing

develops appropriate rules, monitors for compliance, offers technical
assistance and training to caregivers, and provides consumer education.
(Author Unknown Nevada Child Care Licensing)
Section Five: Technology Ethics in the Classroom
I will do my best to ensure that my students are safe while utilizing the
internet in my classroom, by following the rules of the use of technology at
the school where I am employed. I will enforce the schools rules, along with
the rules that I will enforce within my classroom. I will first have every
parent sign an agreement that it is ok for their child to utilize technology
within my classroom. I will then enforce internet safety by observing what
each and every student in doing on their computers. It is unknown what
internet safety features a school may already have in place, but an example
would be: NetSmartz Workshop. Utilizing a website such as NetSmartz
Workshop is just one possible tool to keeping children safe while utilizing the
internet. This website covers cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate
material, online preditors, and revealing too much personal information.
Another tactic to helping children stay safe while utilizing the internet is a
safety pledge. A safety pledge would be a list of internet safety rules for
children to agree and abide by. An example: I will ask my trusted adult
before sharing information like my name, address, and phone number.
(Author Unknown NetSmartz Workshop.)

I understand that there may be some concerns with your child first of
all, entering Kindergarten, and then adding the concerns of technology within
the classroom. I want you to know that I have your childs best interest in
mind, and safety is my #1 priority. This is a new journey not only for your
child, but for you as the parent as well. I am here to help, so please feel free
to reach out to me what is most comfortable for you. Thank you!
Reflection Essay
In my reflection upon this process of creating this document, I have
learned a lot about myself. I have learned what my strengths and
weaknesses are as a student. I know my strengths are writing, my
weaknesses are researching, self-doubt, and technology. After completing
each section, I felt more and more confident. However, I had a voice in the
back of my head that made me question if I was doing the assignment
correctly or not. I also had the added pressure of being behind where my
classmates are at. Plus, I spent hours with my Aunt this weekend and she
was interpreting the syllabus differently than I was. It became very
overwhelming and I became frustrated and to be honest, started to cry. I
wanted to give up, but failure is not an option for me. My future and that of
my four children depend on my success and education. I plan to take what I
have learned from this weeks assignment to learn even more. I plan on

becoming more involved with the day care where I work now and talking to
my friend to see if we can offer more technology in our teachings. I plan on
working with my two teenagers more, so I can learn and grow more as a
student myself.


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