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Unit Plan Template

EDUC 526
Unit Title: Egypt

Teacher: Erika Santa Cruz

Grade Level: 6th Grade

Subject: History
By the end of this unit,
students will be able to:
Understand the
content of
The social
Locate the
major river
Cite textual
evidence from

Minecraft App
Google Docs

Time Frame: 4 weeks/20 days

History/Social Science Standards
6.2 Students analyze the geographic, political,
economic, religious, and social structures of the early
civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Kush.
1. Locate and describe the major river systems and
discuss the physical settings that supported permanent
settlement and early civilizations.
2. Trace the development of agricultural techniques
that permitted the production of economic surplus and
the emergence of cities as centers of culture and
3. Understand the relationship between religion and
the social and political order in Mesopotamia and
English Language Arts:
Reading: Informational Texts
6.RIT.1: Cite textual evidence to support
analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.
6.RIT.2: Determine a central idea of a text and
how it is conveyed through particular details;
provide a summary of the text distinct from
personal opinions or judgments.
6.RIT.3: Analyze in detail how a key individual,
event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and
elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or
6.RIT.7: Integrate information presented in
different media or formats (e.g., visually,
quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a
coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
6.W.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to
examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and
information through the selection, organization,
and analysis of relevant content.
6.W.3: Write narratives to develop real or

imagined experiences or events using effective

technique, relevant descriptive details, and wellstructured event sequences.
6.W.6: Use technology, including the Internet, to
produce and publish writing as well as to interact
and collaborate with others; demonstrate
sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type
a minimum of three pages in single sitting.
6.W.7: Conduct short research projects to answer
a question, drawing on several sources and
refocusing the inquiry when appropriate.
Speaking and Listening
6.SL.4: Present claims and findings, sequencing
ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions,
facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or
themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate
volume, and clear pronunciation.
6.SL.5: Include multimedia components (e.g.,
graphics, images, music, sound) and visual
displays in presentations to clarify information.
Technology Standards Addressed
1. Creativity and innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct
knowledge, and develop innovative products and
processes using technology
2. Communication and collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to
communicate and work collaboratively, including at a
distance, to support individual learning and contribute
to the learning of others.
3.Research and information fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use
4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decisionmaking
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and
conduct research, manage projects, solve problems,
and make informed decisions using appropriate digital
tools and resources.

History Alive Teacher Edition Textbook
History Alive Student Textbook
Google Document for Online History Notebook
Vocabulary List
Mystery of Egypt video
Interactive Egypt Map
Map of Egypt
Map of Nile River
Story of the World Book and CDs
CD Player
Nile River Poster

Week 1
Day 1- Students are introduced to the unit, told of their expectations and given a formative assessment to
see where they are at with their knowledge on Egypt. Today students will be placed into 5 Nomes (groups)
and determine a Noble of the Nome (group leader). Once in their table groups, students will be introduced
to the simulation and begin to create their individual online History Log where they will record Day 1 and
who their group members are. Students share document with the teacher.
Day 2- Students watch Mystery of Egypt video, then in their Online History Log Day 2, students write
down 10 items they learned from the video or have more questions about Ancient Egypt.
Day 3- Students will begin the class by activating prior knowledge about what they know about Egypt
through a KWL chart in their Online History Log Day 3. This will be done as a class (with the exception of
the Want to Know portion). Students will be given a vocabulary list and be given 5 vocabulary words per
group. As a group project students will be creating a PowToon slide show that displays the vocabulary
word, definition and a picture associated with the word. Students will present their PowToon on the
following three days
Day 4- Students will be given a study guide to fill out to prepare them for the test. Chapter 7 Vocabulary
PowToon Presents. Read chapter 7.1-7.2 from the book (the importance of environmental factors) and have
students answer questions in their online History Log day 4. Students will complete questions 1-9 on their
Study Guide.
Day 5- Today students will explore more of Egypt through an interactive Egypt map. While they take the
time to explore the map and listen to the audio that accompanies it. Once they are finished with the audio
and interactive map, students will label and color a map of Egypt and the Nile and turn it in. Before the end
of the day, students will fill out their study guide questions 10-15.
Week 2Day 6 Today each Nome will be responsible for and focus on different aspects of Egypt (Geography of
the Nile, plants and animals, mines and quarries, farms, and boats). They will have time in class to research
their topic in their Nome and record it in their online History Log day 6.

Day 7- Today the students maps will be returned to use as guides for the next project. Using the classroom
set of iPads, the topic they were given the day before, the application MineCraft, their returned maps and a
teacher created rubric, students will begin recreating a map of Egypt digitally. Students will have the period
to start their map.
Day 8- Students will be given the whole period to continue building their map making sure to focus on
their topic as well as following the rubric.
Day 9- Students will review content they have already learned through a Socrative formative assessment.
Students and teacher will read the textbook (7.3) on the physical features and environmental factors of
Egypt and Kush. Students will answer questions pertaining to the text in their online history log day 9 and
complete a workbook page (53, 7.3).
Day 10- Today students will be listening to Story of the World chapter 2 and take notes in their online
History log day 10. After listening, students will take an open note quiz on what they just heard. If time
permits, students may add finishing details on their MineCraft Map.
Week 3Day 11- Students will spend the time exploring other groups MineCraft geographical maps of Egypt.
Students will take notes (day 11) in their online history logs about what they liked/didnt like for each
groups Egypt map.
Day 12- Students will review concepts from the last chapter and will start a new chapter reading 8.1 and
8.2. Students with Chapter 8 vocabulary words will present their PowToon slide show. Students will also
answer questions in their online history log day 11. Following those questions, students will also listen to
Story of the World chapter 4 take notes and a quiz on that chapter. Also under the log day 11, as a Nome,
students will list key points about each time period (The Old Kingdom, The Middle Kingdom, The New
Kingdom). Finally, students will fill out questions 16-21 on their study guide.
Day 13- Students will complete a WebQuest as a Nome (group), taking the time to follow directions to
learn more about Egypt and its history. When finished, students will write in their online History log day
13, what they learned from the WebQuest in 1-2 paragraphs
Day 14- Students will listen to the Story of the World chapter 12 and 13 and take notes in their online
history log (day 12), followed by a quiz for those chapters.
Day 15- Today students will be creating a ThingLink with their Nomes (table groups) with details on a
Pharaoh. Within their groups students will be assigned a role (Reader, Scribe, Presenter, Creator) and will
have to work together to gather information on their Pharaoh (Name, Dates of Rule, Where they came
from, accomplishments, interesting fact), and present them to the class.
Week 4Day 16- Students will review concepts of Egypt. Chapter 9 vocabulary PowToon will be presented.
Students will read chapter 9.1 & 9.2 in their books and complete a workbook page (65-66) on social
pyramids. Students will then write in their history logs day 16, their thoughts on what our school social
pyramid might look like. Then students will fill out 36-40 in their study guide.
Day 17- Students will read Chapter 9.3-9.5 on Government officials, Priests, and Scribes and answer
questions from the teacher in their History log day 17.

Day 18- Students will review the social pyramid of Egypt, and the study guide questions from the unit.
They will read chapter 9.6 and 9.7 (Artisans and Peasants) and answer questions in their online History log
day 18
Day 19- Review day! Students will play a review Jeopardy game (PowerPoint).
Day 20- Test day, students will show what they know about Egypt by taking a test.
Week 1 Students will create a Powtoon with their Nome (group) of Vocabulary words to present to the
class throughout the unit.
Week 2 Students will be creating a geographical map of Egypt specializing in a certain aspects of the city
through the MineCraft Application on the classroom set of iPads.
Week 3 Students will work in groups to great a ThingLink presentation on a Pharaoh.
Assessment and Presentations:
Week 1
Formative Quiz (day 1)
PowToon Presentations (created week 1, presented throughout the unit)
Week 2
MineCraft Geographical Map (see attached Rubric)
Socrative Formative Assessment (day 9 - see attached for questions)
Summative Paper/Pencil Quiz (day 10 - see attached for questions)
Week 3
Summative Pencil and paper quiz (day 12)
Summative Pencil and paper quiz (day 14)
Pharaoh ThingLink
Week 4
Formative Final Test (day 20)
MineCraft Rubric:

Rubric: MineCraft Map of the Nile River

Check the boxes when completed.
Includes the Nile River and the delta.
Shows the Red Sea in relation to the Nile River (does not have to include all the sea on
the map).
Shows mines, quarries, and forts.
Shows these historic site s:
the Valley of the Kings,
the Great Pyramid,
the Pharos (lighthouse in the port of Alexandria).


Shows these cities: Abydos, Thebes, Hermopolis, Akhetaten, Memphis, Bubastis, and
Includes and labels these geographical features: the Nile Delta, Mediterranean Sea, and
the Nubian Desert (include animals of the desert).
Shows a farming area: a field of grain, a shaduf, a garden with irrigation, and irrigation
Shows marsh area: the marsh animals of Egypt, papyrus thickets, and nearby area for
cattle grazing.
Includes a boat on the river, examples: cargo boats, fishing boats, and stone hauling
Includes a legend for the map.

Socrative Assessment:

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