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Grade A Math Focus Calendar Week 19-20 Topic 11


It is the number below the fraction
bar in a fraction, and it shows the total
number of equal parts.

Equivalent Fractions

Part of a whole, a part of a set, or a

location on a number line.

Unit Fraction

A unit fraction always has a numerator

of 1
Equivalent Fractions.

An equation should be
(12 - 8 = 4)
(12 = 4 + 8)
(12 = 4 +8)


Fractions that name the same part of a whole, or

the same location on a number line.


5+4= 9
5 + 4 10


Fact Numbers

Odd numbers:

Numbers that end in

1, 3, 5, 7, 9

Even numbers: Numbers that end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8

Numerator: It is the number

Denominator: It is the

above the fraction bar in a

number below the fraction

fraction. Numerator shows

bar, and it shows the total

how many equal parts are described.

number of equal parts.

Fractions in Number Lines:

Real life applications

Name the point on the number line.

Different representations of fractions:

An example of Fraction Word Problem.

The teacher bought 24 crayons. There are 8 groups. Each group will get an
equal portion of the crayons. Each group will get 1/8.


Fractions are wirtten in different forms:

2/3 = 2 out of 3 = two-thirds

3/3 = 3 out of 3 = 1 whole

A box of chocolates is shared by 3 friends. Each friend gets 1/3 of the


Home Connection: Parents/Guardians, please review this document with

your child every night. Also, please see homework log on back for additional
assignments. Conexion con el Hogar: Queridos familiares: favor de revisar
este documento con su hijo(a) cada noche. Tambien se les pide el favor de
repasar la agenda de tarea diariamente.

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