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Simple Present Questions >» CENGAGE «© Learning iso Liteon) Peta SET YesNo | Do/Does + subject + base verb... |Do you understand the new system? | Form a yesina question with question Does she worry about the new Iyowwelthey ofa plural subject ike system? the girls wth do folowed by the subject and the base form ofthe verb. Form a yessno question with hhe/shelt or a singular subject like the girl with does folowed by the ‘subject and the base form of the verb. Yes answers | Yes, + subject + do/does + base | Yes, 1 do understand the new system. | You answer yes to yes/no question to YesNo | vorb...? Yes, Lunderstand the new system. | in diferent ways. I you use the questions | Yes, + subject + simple present.” | Yes, l understand. helping verb do, use do with Yes, + cubject + simple prosent. | Yes. 10, Vyouhwelthey or a plural subject Ike Yes, + subject + do/does Yes. the gils. Use does with he/shelit or Yes. ‘a singular subject Ike the gir ‘Yes, she does worry about computers.| Answers to yes/no questions are Yes, she worries about computers. | often short answers lke Yes, / Yes, she worries do./Yes, she does. Yes, she does Yes. No answers | No, + subject + do not No, we do notidon't understand the | You answer no to yes/no question in to YesiNo | (don't/does not (doesn't) + base | new system. different ways. If you use the helping questions | verb No, we do notdon't understand. _| verb do, use do not or the No, + subject + do not No, we do not/No, we don. ‘contraction don't with Vyou/weithey (don't/does not (doesn't). No. (a plural subject lke the girls. Use No. does not or the contraction doesn't No, she does notidoesn't wory about | with he/she/it or a singular subject ‘computers lke the gir. Answers to yes/no No, she does not/doesn't worry. ‘questions are often short answers No, she does not No, she doesnt. | ike No, Ido not./No, ! don’t. or No, No. she does not /No, she doesn't. Wh question | Wih- word + be + subject Whois the teacher? Use a wii- question to ask for with be Where is the training? information. Begin with the wh- word Which day isthe training? followed by @ form of the verb be and the subject. who = person what = thing when = time where = place why = reason which = choice ‘Answer to | subject + form of the verb be + | He is the teacher. To answer a wh- question, use the wh- question | answer The training is al the music store. __| subject and the form of the verb be with be ‘The training is Monday. Used in the question followed by the Wh- question | Wh- word + do/does + subject+ | When does the training start? Use a wh- question to ask for with do base verb Why do you worry? information. Begin with the wh- word What do you understand? followed by a form of the helping verb do, the subject, and the base verb, ‘Answer to | subject + simple present of the | The training stars today. To answer a wh- question, use the wh- question | base verb + answer worry about computers. ‘subject and the base form of the with do LLunderstand the new system. verb used in the question followed by the answer. Grammar Caté Copyright © Cengage Learning Not reproducible without written permission of publisher

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