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FACILITATION Criteria Checklist

The facilitator
Focuses, organizes and prepares students for the coming task, defining the purpose
Uses or guides students to use the physical space to its greatest advantage
The facilitator
Encourages creative, personal responses instead of a pre-determined answers
Clarifies a task and how an expressive skill is to be explored/applied
Includes a specific time frame for completing a task
Is re-iterated as needed to remind students of the task and timeframe
The facilitator
Briefly describes specific, detailed choices
Provides comments for a variety of students
Encourages unique, individual, or surprising choices
The facilitator
Clearly defines how students can enhance or extend their work
Encourages risk and/or alternative choices instead of directing students choices
Revises prompt in response to what students originally created and shared
Revises prompt clearly, including a specific timeframe for completion
The facilitator
Provides adequate time for students to reflect on and discuss their work
Asks questions that encourage students to thoroughly assess their work
Guides the student audience to provide honest and supportive assessment of their
peers creative accomplishments based on specific questions
Focuses peer assessment comments on new understanding and purpose

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