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Knox Academy School Council Meeting – 16th December 2009

Present: C Ballie, T Birrell, D Blair, A Brown, C Cowan, M Coull, R Coull, , S Duffy,

B Halloran, G Jackson, P Jackson, A Lyndsay, P Martin, A Muir, W McIntosh Smith, M
McFern, F Munro, J Ramage, A Riddell, C Riva, R Szymoszowskyj, Mrs Fairbarin, Miss Bulloch

Apologies: L Crofts, O Hansen, F McBean , A Wheeler

1. Matters Arising from Last meeting

• School Council Drop in – winner of our Big Idea of the Month. S6 to compile rota.
• Website – Lev Crofts and Finlay Baird have arranged meeting with Mr Dempster to
discuss ideas.
• School Council Notice board – Sarah Duffy and Mary-Beth McFern to work on
before next meeting.

2. Matters Arising from Agenda Forms collected

• Toilets – Concerns about lack of bins. S6 raised that this may be due to
vandalism. Council to ask Janitors about this.

• Water – Concerns over lack of cups/water and spillages by pupils. Council to

research possibility of moving water coolers.

• Library – Concerns raised about library being closed too often. S6 raised that
pupils cannot go in if there is not a member of staff present. Possibility of
Library being put on Duty Rota?

3. Working Group Progress

• Public Relations – No progress made on newsletter. Mrs Fairbarin offered to

work with group on this. Website progressing.

• Fundraising – Ideas raised about having Car boot sale. R Coull to ask FES about

• Bidding – Group has designed survey for staff and pupils re. what to spend
money on. A Lyndsay, R Szymoszowskyj and J Ramage working with Mr Couper
re. School Sport Strips.

• Eco Group – W McIntosh Smith sourced some spider plants. Group will ask
staff is they would like a plant in their classroom.
4. AOB

• East Lothian School Council need 2 representatives from Knox. Pupils to give names
to Miss Bulloch if interested.

• Big Idea of the Month - Permanent music in social area at lunch. Many pupils
have enjoyed this and asked if it could be a permanent arrangement run by the
School Council.

• Cadets – some pupils have heard rumour that it will be cancelled. School Council
seek some clarification of this.

School Council Members spent last 10 minutes of meeting in working groups discussing next
months targets.

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