Explain Why You Have Chosen The Instrument That You Are Playing at and How It Is Going To Help You To Improve Your Personality

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Explain why you have chosen the instrument that you are playing at and how it is going to

help you to improve your personality

Playing on a musical instrument represents a very useful activity for your brain since it
stimulates it more than any other activities.
The latest researches, performed though monitoring brain activity using the last
generation equipment, showed that in the musicians brains take place different activities at the
cognitive level.
The recent researches show that the persons that are playing on a pan-flute stimulate a lot
their brain, this activity being a therapeutic way recommended in order to develop


cognitive abilities.
It doesnt really matter which is the instrument that you are playing at, but if you choose
a pan-flute you have to be conscient that you need time for practice and a lot of effort. This is
why perseverance and patience are intensively trained, two qualities which are extremely
important if you want to achieve success.
The art of playing on pan-flute implies an extraordinary collaboration between
eyes and hands. Your eyes are catching the musical notes from the stave while your brain has to
transform them into motor activities. In the same time, breath, rhythm perception and hearing are
stimulated and your body coordination is improved.
Ive chosen to play on this instrument because the sound made by the pipes vibration
relaxes me, calms me down and helps me to release negative feelings.
The sounds made by pan-flute and the way they can be controlled have a positive
effect on the hearing capacity.
The researchers theorize that, during the life, musical activity may be the best
cognitive exercise, causing a better adaptation to the aging effects. Moreover, as other musicians
are predestinated to certain instruments I think that I was predestinate to pan-flute, and I hope
that in the future I will be able to unravel the secrets of this instrument

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