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Good morning ladies and gentlemen!

I would want to welcome you with the words of Emily Dickinson Hold dear to
your parents for it is a scary and confusing world without them.
In this address, I will give tribute to two people who gave my life. First is my
mother and then my father.
38 weeks; that is how long my mom carried me in her womb. And for 20 years,
she loves me dearly even if for three years, I am a shadow that she never wanted to
see. But still, I feel the love that any other child without mother is longing. She is mad.
Yet mad is an understatement because I know to myself that she is furious. I get her
because no mother wanted her daughter have her own child at a young age. Yes, I got
pregnant early. Yet i dont regret it. Nevertheless, I wanted her at my side when I am
carrying my own daughter. But she is not there. I cant blame her. I disappointed her.
And until now, she is not talking to me. However, I want to say that I love her because
she guides me to be a mother of my own.
When I was child, my mother never left me. I remember when my sister and I
were chatting, she would always say that mama left her job abroad just to be with me
and take care of me. I know my sister envy me because she was left at my
grandmothers house growing up with our cousins. My heart flatters when I remember it.
For me, she is the best mom that I could ever ask. Mama sacrifices many things for me.
But she never blames me in anything. Like any other children, she scolds and spanks
me. But on the bright side, I know that she did it because she loves me. She is my best
friend, my protector, my savior, and my better half. I love her to the moon and back.
Not to be conceited, but many people say that I have a very nice pointed nose.
And I am very happy for my father of having a pointed nose that I inherit because my
friends envy it. But kidding aside, my father keeps me on track. He is a serious type of
person and once you have a chance to talk to him, you can only hear few words coming
out his mouth. However, I dont care if he doesnt talk much, because, I can feel and I
know that he loves me dearly. My Papa loves to drink coffee too much. He can consume
one pack of 25g of coffee in a day. Aside from coffee, he also loves cigarette. I always
remind him to stop or lessen it. Cigars and coffee is in his system. But nevertheless,
that made him my Papa.

Papa is a good provider. I must admit that I was a spoiled brat. I remember when
I was in second year of my high school, he just arrived from other country then, few
days later, we went to the mall. I was a bag with my favorite color. Mama didnt want to
buy it because I have room for another bag. But still I insisted. Funny to admit but I cried
for a bag. So to stop me from crying, papa talked to the saleslady to get for a new stock.
And with that, I stopped crying. It may sound childish and immature; but what can I say,
my father loves me so much. I think it is his way of showing how he misses me. And like
my mother, I love him to the moon and back.
I am not a perfect daughter. I have my fair share of flaws. And the only person
who didnt judge me is my parents. I am thanking God that He gave me parents like
them. If I am given a chance to choose other parents, I will reject it. Clich; I know but
that is what I feel. I am not thanking God only but also my parents who raised me. This
speech is not enough to say how grateful and thankful I am to my Mama and Papa. But
this is one way of telling you thank you and I love you.

Good morning guests!

This month, we are celebrating dances. I, myself is a dancer. And I will not be a
good dancer without the people who taught me how to dance. Behind the skills I know
are teachers who patiently instruct me.
This afternoon, we have a very special visitor. And I am honored to introduce
him to you. A graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Physical Education
with specialty in dance in Philippine Womens University; a former member of
Bayanihan Philippine National Dance Company; a former coordinator of Cultural Center
of the Philippines; a former festival coordinator; a former director and choreographer of
Sining Kumintang ng Batangas; presently a Cultural Affairs coordinator of Univeristy of
Batangas; and an executive council of National Commission for Culture and the Arts
National Committee on Dance. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Mr. Manrique
Caberto Cabaya.

Good evening juniors and seniors!

I know all of you are waiting for this event. Some of you prepared months ago.
And I can say that the girls really pampered themselves for the boys. And the boys try
very hard to put up their hairs and suits.
But first, I want to thank all the staffs and colleagues that helped to make this
prom happen. To your parents who allow you to go this night. And lastly, to you students
for your patient wait to this night.
So students, want to know a fact about my high school life? Sad to say but I
never had a chance to experience a J-S prom. Nevertheless, I have this time to
experience it even though its a bit late. And to cut the prolonged agony, welcome to
University of Batangas Junior-Senior Promenade! Suit yourselves and enjoy!

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