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Nadia Eliora
Joshua Blackburn
English 9
December 10, 2014
An Army of One
The morning sun kissed the horizon, as I glided through the sky, like a black,
ominous, shadow, a deficit in the calmness of day. Inside me was the boiling of emotions;
determination and revenge. As I continued to glide, I held my wings against me, to ease my
flight. I would soon manifest myself into what men desired from me; a legend that existed to
ignite fear from all who walked the earth, a dragon to remind men of their place in this world.
I stop crossing the sky when the kingdom came within my sight; the night in which I
found comfort had finally overtook the light that brought nothing but deceit. In the vast
desert, my body was a measly speck, though my size is comparable to that of a thousand men.
Under the sun, my hide transformed me into purple gem; a crimson indigo that provoked
jealousy from both man and beast. In the darkness of night, however, my hide merged with
the night, a darkness where I truly belong.
This darkness welcomed me when all others shunned me out, and so in this cold and
heartless place I found the most love. The only love Ive received for the last three decades
came from that empty place, a sad realty bestowed upon me when my mother was wrongly
slaughtered by the so-called hero of the earth, the reason my heart yearns for spoiled blood.
When I was two, that man was entitled a hero, a deceit to fool the minds of men,
making them more ignorant of their own fear and empower the worthless. He came to my
home, with his peoples promise that the murder of my mother would bring glory and honor.
And a hero he became, taking away from me the only living being that ever looked at
me with kindness. He was crowned king, successor of his people, granted the glory and


honor he desired. He forgot one little thing, though; a small detail that I vowed would be his
greatest regret. Soon, he would be choking on his own pride, and there would be nothing I
would ever cherish more than being the one to see the last light of fear in his eyes as his life
died out as would a burning flame be drenched in water.
I slept that night with the hopes of bloodshed to mark the coming sun, and when the
night broke to welcome back the light, I embodied the pleasure to do just that.
As I came closer to the outskirts of the kingdom, I begun to see clearly the source of
the scent I had been following for days. I could see the people and how their faces were grim
and their expressions abused. As I neared again, though still out of their clear sight, I could
see that their movements also seemed pained, and how each step was made with a falter.
Perhaps their hero couldnt save them from themselves.
The people took notice of me when I flew above them, casting a large shadow on their
shabby town, and though the wind was howling in my ears, I could hear their every gasp and
the sound of their tears dropping onto the filthy ground. I could hear the movement of their
lips, as they voiced out Bastard of the Devil in hushed tones, as though afraid what I would
do if I could hear them. They forgot that I didnt care what they thought of me.
The foolish and nave minds of men would never understand that no matter how sharp
the knives they used to pierce my heart, a dragons heart was gold, and their weapons bore no
affect. My heart was already dented where my mother shouldve been, and I promised my
self to make it whole once more through a baptism of fire forged through vengeance.
Slowly, the people begun to distance themselves from me, and when the cry of
children broke out the cry of adults quickly followed. They came at me with swords and
arrows, of the biggest and sharpest kind. But my hide served me as armor more valuable than
anything forgeable by men, and so those brought no harm upon my self. The people sent out
what limited amount of soldiers they had, with the hopes they could push me out of the town.


They didnt know that my intention was never to enter the kingdom, but to fish the
king out. And after hours of weapons being thrown at me with endless succession and myself
casting upon them the fire that burned within me, I came to see a new batch of soldiers, but
they with the royal familys symbol stamped on the side of their armor. It was the kings
guard, and because it meant the king would soon follow, I was ecstatic,
Soon I heard the bellowing noise of the people cheering, and following that sound my
eyes brought me to see the very man I came here to destroy. As I came within his sight, a wry
smile appeared on his lips, an addition to his white hair and grey eyes, two tolls of time he
could not go against. The king was twenty-two when he came to me, and though three
decades have passed I can still see the ego inside him, and that would cause his downfall.
The king came closer to me, fond that he had a second chance to prove his heroicness
to his people once again. He took out the cursed blade that took away my mothers life, and
attempted to do the same to me. He didnt know that it would be futile, because when my
mother aimed to protect, I aimed to kill.
Soon I came swooping own upon him, grabbing his shoulders in my talons like an
eagle to its prey. I could hear the gasp of the people, and the unceremonious cursing of the
king. As a brought him away from the city I could hear the rush of soldiers desperate to
follow, but I didnt go away from them. No, I wanted them to watch the turn of events.
As I let down the king and heard his desperate cries, what I saw wasnt a pathetic man
who sought to live, but a worthless man who brought death upon him self. And so I made his
death quick, finding no reason to prolong it. The baptism of fire I needed to mend my heart
was the same baptism of fire I used to end his life, and though uproar followed from the
townspeople, I was content. I flew away listening to the peoples grief for a hero unworthy of
their tears. Trough their ruined eyes, it was honorary for man to kill beast, but vicious for
beast to kill man. That is the irony that disgusts me about men.


Soon, a new king was appointed in the kingdom, a young boy who was the kings son.
As I watched his anointment from a distance, I could see the fire burning in his eyes, much
like the one I had in mine to avenge my mothers death.
I became the King Killer, and he sought to be the Kings Successor. Ahead of us, I
saw a war that would wage for generations. He had the confidence of his people on his side,
while I had my isolated self.
All the people would see his fathers death and feel vengeful, but they would never do
the same to my mother. As a new sun came up to mark the coming of a new year, I heard the
voices of a battalion lead by no other than the new king himself. He wrapped himself in the
finest armor he could find, and he wanted from me the pleasure of my self being slaughtered.
To kill and to avenge became a game between us, and we were both eager to play.

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