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Globalization Effects

Samuel and Deo

Definition of Globalization
Globalization: Globalization is a process of
interaction and unifying ideas to a community
or a country.
Globalization can be in a form of knowledge.
Like the teachings of Christianity in a colony or

Citizens Pro and Cons

-Quicker access of information to citizens of
events happening at other nations. Ex. The
internet enables people to look at news and
find out the events happening at other
-Introduction to natural resources. Ex.
British being introduced to a type of cotton
in India and people in Britain can have
better quality of clothing.

-Forced labor. Ex. The Indians that
provided cotton to the British would now
have to supply more to their country instead
of its own.
-Exchange of food. Ex. American products
such as Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) now
replaces the traditional food in the
countries and encourages the young
audience to buy their product.

Government Pro and Cons

- If a country need an assistant, they know how to handle it and they could ask countries in the
world to assists. Example: The Banda Aceh Tsunami 2004. Indonesia government ask assistant
from United States, Japan, Australia and other countries.

Become independent ( Communism ) Ex. Like China or North Korea

Cons: Our government become corrupt. Example : ( Dutch ) influence to Indonesia.

Economy Pro and Cons



-Enables free trade throughout nations.

They are not limited to trading with certain
countries. Ex. The North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA) allows Mexico,
Canada, and the US to trade freely without
any import/export restrictions.
-Allows free movement of laborers. Workers
can now move to other countries to show
their skills. Ex. UK had hired nurses from
India to fill the empty positions of public

-Great competition between companies.

This results underdevelopment of
undeveloped countries. Known as the
Paradox of Free Trade.
-Labor Drain. Countries with few job
opportunities cannot convince their skilled
workers to stay in their country. This
happens in underdeveloped countries that
goes to wealthy countries to have better
economic status.

Works Cited
Gibson, Nick. "Pros and Cons of Globalization: Controversy and Discussion." Udemy. Udemy Blog, 26 Mar. 2014. Web. 2 Dec.
2014. <>.
Agganda, Sandry. "Globalization." National Geographic Education. National Geographic. Web. 2 Dec. 2014. <>.

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