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Adult adoption is that of adopting someone over the age of 18.

Some states
are more strict than others, but in every case the adopter will need legal
consent from the adoptee to finalize the adoption. An adult may opt to be
adopted at 18 if he or she became a legal adult before he or she was
available for adoption in the foster care system. It is also sometimes done for
legal purposes, particularly to secure inheritance. Some adult adoptees may
also choose to be adopted by their birth parents after a successful search
and reunion.

How to Legally Adopt Someone Over the Age

of 18 in California
Adoptions of adults over the age of 18 are sometimes initiated for very different reasons than
those for young children and infants. For starters, adopting a child over 12 years of age requires
the consent of the adopted party to accept this adoption request to the court. Adoptions of adults
are often carried out for a number of reasons; reunions between long lost parents and children
who want to legalize their reconciliation, to provide legal responsibility rights to an adult over
another who has a disability requiring long-term care. This arrangement will also clarify any
inheritance considerations so that a deceased party may leave financial assets to an adoptee in
their will. Often times, a family or guardian who has fostered a child for a period of time may
choose to legalize the relationship by formally adopting their ward. In every case, a new birth
certificate is issued to the person who has been adopted and no other party may claim custodial
rights to the adoptee.
Under Domestic adoption law
Yes. Section 8. (d) A person of legal age if, prior to the adoption, said person has
been consistently considered and treated by the adopter(s) as his/her own child
since minority;
Under inter-country adoption board
No. Only a legally free child may be adopted. Child is any person below 15 years of

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