30 Day Preparedness Challenge

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Copyright 2014 Zombie Response Team - Photo credit: Tobin Pilotte

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

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In April of 2014, we did a 30 day preparedness challenge which was supposed to help get
people realized that they aren't as prepared as they want to be, or to get people starting to get
into the mindset of being prepared.
We got a great response from it, but we also understand that some people simply were
not able to complete every challenge, everyday. So that's where this document comes in!
This document is filled with 30 challenges. It's best to do the 30 day challenge in 30
consecutive days, because by doing something preparedness related every single day, you start
to get into a positive routine of doing something daily to stay prepared.
Being prepared is a constant effort and you should be doing something everyday to stay
prepared. It could be something as easy as going through your everyday carry, or it could be
something more complicated such as rigging up a new alternative energy source.
Whatever you decide to do later on, this 30 day challenge is hopefully going to get you
into the routine of prepping.
Print this whole thing out and use the spaces below each challenge to jot down any
notes, such as anything that was successful or not successful.
If at any time you have any questions, comments, concerns, please don't hesitate to
email us: info@zombieresponseteam.net
Good luck!
-Zombie Response Team

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

Preparedness Challenge Day 1:

As we go through the days, some tasks will seem 'easy' and some tasks may seem 'hard', but no
matter how you feel about them, do them, as there's a method to our madness. ;)
To get this challenge started off, make a list of knowledge you already possess and items you
already possess.
Make the list COMPLETE and WHOLE. Write down ANY skill and ANY item that you feel
would benefit you in an emergency or disaster. Think outside the box and really look around
your home/car/work and also think about what you already know.
Do you accept this challenge? Is so, take the day to complete the task and around 7PM CST,
we'll post here again to ask how it went and for those that did the task (or even just attempted
it), please report in with how you did.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 2

Take the list from yesterday and make a list of knowledge you should/need to learn as well as
supplies you should/need to acquire.
Remember that there is a difference between want and need. So make your list with what you
think you need and then go over it again and remake it to determine whether you actually
need those items or whether it's something that you can live without.
Go over your personal budget to decide how often you'll be able to take a new class or acquire
a new item.
Also go over your personal time to see how often you'll be able to learn a new skill or try out a
new product or test out your gear or practice with your gear.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 3

In today's challenge, it's time to determine: Who's on your team?
We all should know by now that the lone wolf isn't the greatest of ideas. Being in a team - even
if it's just a team of 2 - is better than going it alone.
So who's on your team? Your husband/wife? Your whole family? Friends? Other?
Write down who is on your team and what skills and items they possess. Really get in-depth
with them and figure out how they'll be able to help each other during a crisis. It's one thing
to have a team, it's quite another to truly understand how everyone will be able to assist one
another when SHTF.
Your team should be people you trust indefinitely. That you can plan with and train with on a
regular basis.
If you don't have a team yet, write down a list of potential candidates and why you'd want
them on your team.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 4

Yesterday we talked about figuring out who's on your team. It can sometimes be difficult to
find teams or even groups of people within your community that you can talk to about
survival related topics.
So, in today's challenge, we want you to research your local prepper groups. Go onto
meetup.com and generally do a search on Google for groups in your area that specialize in
disaster preparedness.
It could be a CERT group, it could be just a local prepper group or even a HAM radio or
gardening group - anything having to do with being prepared is a positive step forward.
Can't find a group in your area? Consider starting a meetup group. Getting together with likeminded people can help you realize that you're not alone and can help bring new perspectives
to the world of prepping.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 5

Time to think about alternative exit strategies. Not just for your home, but for your work
place, your normal driving routine, your grocery store and where ever you like to hang out
such as restaurants and other establishments.
Pay attention to every exit and even write down the exits.
Figure out 2 bug out plans of action.
Test out your escape plan, including grabbing your BOB and going as far as you'd like using
the routes that you've mapped out.
Let us know how it goes!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 6

Spend today eating nothing but nonperishable foods.
You may cook foods, but only if they're nonperishable (such as pasta or rice) or if you've
caught it today (such as, if you happen to catch a fish today, you can eat that).
It may sound easy, but we use a lot of perishable foods on a daily basis. It's not just things in
the refrigerator or freezer that are perishable. For instance, bread is perishable.
Even if you can't do it for the whole day, try for at least a meal or two or a couple snacks.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 7

What exercise routines are you doing to keep in shape? And when we say 'keep in shape' we
don't mean that you have to be super skinny. We mean that you're simply getting out there
and staying active.
In most disaster and emergency situations, you're going to be exerting a lot of energy and one
of the best ways to prepare for that, is to exercise.
You can run, walk, bike, yoga, hike, tennis, martial arts, whatever! Do something that you
enjoy. For instance, if you hate running, then don't run! Walk, instead.
If you're not already in a workout routine, start off slow by taking a walk around the block.
Then start looking into other activities that you might be interested in doing. Join a meetup
group (like a hiking group) which can help motivate you. You don't have to exercise on a daily
basis, sometimes just 3-5 days a week is good enough.
Today, get out and DO something! Walk, bike, run (run in place if you have to)...whatever. Just
do something exercise related for at least 30 minutes.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 8

In todays challenge, how's your first aid kit looking? Do you have a full first aid kit in your
home? In your car? At your place of work?
Find your first aid kit(s) and make sure that everything is still current and that there's plenty
of items in there. Alcohol pads will dry out and bandaids can lose their adhesion.
You can easily refill (or start) your first aid kit with items from the dollar store. They may not
last as long as 'name brand' items, but they'll get you through until you can afford to spend a
little more.
If you don't have a first aid kit, now is a good time to get started on one! We do not
recommend that you buy the pre-made first aid kits. So if you don't have a first aid kit, here
are a few items you should start with:
Bandaids (of all sizes)
Alcohol pads
Liquid Bandaid
Neosporin (or some sort of antibacterial ointment)
Tweezers & mini scissors
Pain medication
Cold packs
You may also consider adding in mosquito spray and sunscreen, especially as summer
The above suggested items are just a start, as you develop your skills and your general
knowledge, you'll be able to put more specific items in there that you feel you'll need. Make
sure that you have enough items in your first aid to take care of everyone in your team/family.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 9

Todays challenge is a good one. :)
Reach out to someone ANYONE and ask them if they're prepared to handle a disaster.
You can reach out via social media or over the phone or in person - however you want to do it,
just take the plunge and do it! It can even be existing family and friends. Though, bonus
points if you can connect with a complete stranger. ;)
Try not to bring up training for the zombie apocalypse. Be real, talk about real events (or
events that have happened in your area) that are likely to happen in your region and ask if
they're prepared.
Or ask an even simpler question: If the lights were to go out for an extended period of time,
would you be prepared?
Don't disclose all of the little details about how you're prepared, simply talk to them about the
importance of prepping for disasters and emergencies.
If they are prepared, then lucky you, you've found a new friend! :)
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 10

In todays challenge, hit Google and research your region to figure out what are the most
likely and least likely disaster scenarios to happen.
Whether you think you already know what can happen in your area or not, do the research.
You may end up discovering something you never knew could happen in your area. Look at
the history, going back at far as 20 years, or more if you want.
Sometimes there might be disasters that have only happened a couple times in your area, but
when they happened they were devastating. There could be natural disasters that happen more
There could even be smaller type of 'disasters', such as extreme thunder storms.
Do your research and jot down the top 5 things that commonly happen in your area and then
the top 5 things that happen less frequently.
It's ok if you can't find 5 of each, though you should be able to.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 11

Look in your pantry/cupboards. How much nonperishable foods do you have and will they
keep you and your team/family afloat for at least 3 days, if not more?
If your answer is no, then start a list of non-perishable items that you need.
Some items to consider:
Canned tuna/chicken
Canned beans
Canned vegetables
Canned fruits
Dehydrated fruits/vegetables
Protein Bars
Bottled water
If you have a newborn/toddler, make sure you have enough of their nonperishable foods, as
There are so many choices when it comes to nonperishable foods and they usually don't cost a
whole lot to stock up on.
If you have pets, don't forget to have a small supply of pet food (outside of the normal supply
that you use to feed them with everyday), as backup/emergency food.
Make sure to keep an updated list of foods that you have for emergency purposes and change
out the foods every 3-6 months.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 12

Can you live without electricity?
Today, try living completely without electricity for at LEAST 2 hours.
It's OK to use electronic devices (that are not directly hooked up to electricity, such as a laptop
or cell phone), but if they go dead during the time of 'blackout', then obviously you'll be
unable to charge it (unless you have a backup source of energy, such as an external battery
During the time of 'blackout', you'll quickly realize how much we depend on electricity in our
lives. You can even start thinking of alternative ways to do things. And you'll quickly realize
whether you have enough flashlights (& batteries for those flashlights), candles and any
alternative cooking methods that you might need for an actual blackout.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 13

Yesterday we talked about being without electricity for an extended period of time. Well, now
it's time to stock up on items that can get you through a power outage.
Look at your candle and flashlight supply; do you have enough matches? Do you have
enough batteries? Do you have enough blankets? What about something to boil water with,
such as a battery powered kettle?
Remember to think in these terms; if you have 1, you have none, if you two, you have 1, if you
have 3, you're ok. When you think if these terms, you plan for failure. Always have backups to
your backups!

Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 14

Do you have any knives? When was the last time they were sharpened?
Spend today going through your knives and sharpening them.
If it's been a while that you've sharpened them, take each time to a sharpening stone with a
little bit of gun oil on top of the stone, and sharpen each side about 10-20 times, depending on
how dull your knife is.
It's a good idea to get a travel sharpener, so that you can sharpen your knives after each use.
For an example of a portable knife sharpener, search J.A. Henckels 9-Inch Poly Sharpening Steel.
It's VERY important that you don't let your knives go dull. Once they go dull, it's a very
difficult to bring them back to life. So get in the habit of sharpening your knife if you use it a
If you only use your knife every so often, then it's ok to only sharpen your knives once a week.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 15

When it's time to bug out, what's your main transportation method? Most of us will say our
vehicles. But what happens when we can't use our vehicles? In some disasters, our vehicles will
be rendered useless due to traffic jams or simply because of the type of natural disaster.
So what's your second transportation method? What's your third?
Figure out at least three different types of transportation methods.

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 16

Do you know three different ways to purify water?
In a bug out scenario, your water supply will run out eventually and the water that you come
across probably won't be drinkable straight from the source.
So how will you be purifying it?
Figure out 3 ways that you can practically purify water while bugging out.

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 17

Yesterday we talked about 3 different ways to purify water. One of the most popular ways is to
boil it. But in order to boil it, you need some sort of heat source. And for the majority of us, the
most effective heat source will come from fire.
Do you know 3 different ways to build a fire?
And we're not talking about just how to place the sticks a certain way, we're talking about
types of tinder and any other methods you can think of.
Figure out 3 different ways to build a fire.

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 18

How aware of your surroundings are you?
There are few people that are aware of their surrounds 100% of the time & that's normal!
But today, try to be more aware of your surroundings than you've ever been. Look at people,
objects, find the nearest exists, understand where the evacuations routes are, be aware of
weather changes, etc.
There's so much for us to be aware of around us. Just take an extra look around today.

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 19

What are your shelter options for the wild? Poncho? Tarp? Emergency blanket?
In today's challenge, go out to your backyard & try to make some shelter with paracord,
emergency blanket and stick(s).
Feel free to make any type of shelter out of anything that you may have laying around, just
make sure that when you pack an item for shelter purposes, that it's something like a tarp or
emergency blanket in which rain won't soak through.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 20

In todays challenge, Take a picture of your BOB and all its contents, then examine it from a
3rd party view.

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 21

In today's challenge, it's time to take a look at your car kit.
Not only is it a good idea to have a BOB, big you should have a car kit that is kept exclusively
in your car in case of emergencies that happen on the road.
Your car kit should include flashlights (& batteries), extra blanket, non perishable foods, tools,
napkins/paper towels/towel, flares & anything else you feel would be relevant.
The first aid kit in your car should stand alone outside of your car kit.
So if you have a car kit, just check it out & make sure everything is updated. If you don't have
one, start making a list of things you need to get one going!

Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 22

We've talked some about building a first aid kit and most of us have very basic first aid
knowledge, but do you have any intermediate or advanced first aid knowledge?
Have you been through a CPR/First Aid class? CPR/First Aid classes are inexpensive and can
give valuable skills and knowledge.
If you don't have your CPR/First Aid card, do some research and find out where the class is
being held in your area.
If you do have advanced first aid knowledge, then just make sure you're up to date (as
procedures are always changing) and maybe brush up on a skill or two by reading or
practicing a skill.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 23

I know some of these challenges might feel redundant, but bear with us as there is a method
to our madness. :)
In today's challenge, if you have any pets that you plan to continue to take care of in an
emergency or disaster, then you must have emergency supplies for them ready to go, just like
you have emergency supplies for yourself/family/team.
Make sure you have enough food to last at least 3 days, if not longer. Make sure you account
for extra water for them. Make sure you have an extra supply of any medications that they
take in a regular, etc.
Just make sure your pet emergency supplies are up to date.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 24

In today's challenge, it's time to get/update your map.
It's best to have a map of your local city/state because chances are, in an emergency or disaster,
you won't be going very far outside your city and usually not outside your state (unless it's
severe like Katrina, but that's a different story).
So, do you have a map of your city/state? If you do, check it to make sure it's fairly up to date.
Which means that you got it within the past 5 years or so. Things change all the time and it's
important that you have an up-to-date map.
If you don't have a map, go get one now! And if you don't know how to read a map, open it up
and start locating easy-to-find places on the map to help get you used to reading a map.
It doesn't hurt to have a compass and know how to use a compass as well, but having the map
could definitely help if you're forced to bug out.
Figure out your map situation and we'll get to you this evening.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 25

Check out your water supply! If you no longer had running water, do you have enough bottled
water to last AT LEAST three days for yourself/family/team/pets?
Remember that in the summer, you'll need far more water, especially if the electricity is out
(which means AC is out). So be sure to account for weather changes.
Don't forget to store your bottled water in a cool, dark place so that it lasts longer.
If you have stored water, maybe it's time to change it out? It's always a good idea to change out
your stored water and replace it with fresh water so that you know your supply is fresh and
ready to drink.
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 26

How do you plan on communicating when cell phones & land lines aren't available?
Through HAM (If so, do you have your HAM license? And a way to keep the radio system up
and running since it takes electricity?)
Or maybe through CB (shorter distance, but possible if team/family is close by)?
Do you have walkie talkies (and a way to keep them charged with alternative energy)?
Does everyone in your team/family know how to use these communication methods?
Maybe you've decided to setup a system before hand and everyone meet there?
Regardless of the type of communication you decide to go with, just make sure that everyone
is knowledgable on how to use the communication methods and understand any meeting
So, what sort of communication plans do you have?

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 27

Do you have a good pair of shoes?
Shoes and socks are going to be one of the most important items in your prepping journey. If
you have good shoes and good socks, your feet will be one less thing to worry about in the
overall scheme of things.
If you don't have a few extra pair of socks in your BOB, then put them in there today!
Boots are recommended for a good pair of everyday shoes, mainly because boots offer over the
ankle protection which could protect you from snake bites, fire ants getting at you if you
happen to step in a fire ant pile and so on.
So, do you have a good pair of boots and socks to go with?

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 28

How are you preparing your mind?
Your mind will be one of the most important aspects of prepping. Because in a survival
situation, you're going to have to do things that you never thought you'd have to do and go
further than you ever thought your body could go.
If you're in the right mindset, then you'll have the WILL to survive no matter what it takes.
So, how's your mindset?

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Day 29

Have you ever tried to cook without electricity or gas?
Yes we talk a lot about cooking with fire, but what if you can't get outside to make a fire? What
if you have to cook inside but there's no electricity? Or what if you simply don't have the
resources to make a fire? How will you cook what needs to be cooked?
Don't just think about short-term either, try to think about long-term as well. For instance, if
you've been without electricity for a week and your resources are running low...etc.
Figure out a way to cook without electricity think outside the box!
Good luck!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

30 Day Preparedness Challenge: Last Day - Day 30

Are you involved in any hand-to-hand self-defense?
In any situation, other people will be your biggest opponents and while we'd like to think that
everyone comes together in a crisis, there are those that simply want to create chaos.
And in saying that, there will be times when people want to do you harm and a firearm or
other tool/weapon won't always be the best option.
If you're not currently involved in any hand-to-hand self-defense classes, start researching
some in your area and get some training!
Today's the last day of the challenge; make it count!

Copyright 2014 by Zombie Response Team

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