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Globalization in

By: Febe, Rachel, Darius, and Fredy

What is globalization?
Globalization is the ability to make
it possible to have international
Its driven by international trade, and
aided by technological information.
It is the spreading of ideas, and
learning from others.

Advantages and Disadvantages from

Indonesia people perspective
- Provides more jobs
- Makes Indonesia open to the world
- Helps Indonesia to modernize faster
- Indonesia can get good ideas and
inspiration from foreign countries
- Indonesia can rely on foreign
countries for trade of resources.
- Indonesia can rely on foreign
countries to help solve internal
problems. (

-Indonesias poor infrastructure make it
difficult for small industries to develop.
-Tradition and culture might disappear,
as Indonesians are influenced by foreign
cultures that become more popular and
take over.
-Small industries could disappear due to
bigger industries that take over.
-Resources may be used by foreigners.
For their advantage, more than
(Gold in Papua)

Advantages and Disadvantages from

governments perspective


- Increases flows of investment

between countries
- Increase in economic growth
(currency worth)
- Easier to supervise citizens

- Increases the dependence to big

- Income gap between developed
countries and developing countries
(developed grows twice as much as
developing countries)
- Increases chances of war
- Struggles in finding resources
- Makes citizens more rebellious
towards the system

Advantages and Disadvantages from

Indonesian Business Perspective



Has helped the economy to

Helps prevent market
More goods to be sold at local
stores that were exported from
a different country.
Gives a larger market: more
goods are sold and more money
is earned.

Intense competition
Can cause financial problems: In

1970s and 80s, several countries

including Indonesia earned a lot of
money from international investors
with hope that they could be able to
build new business here. They often
didnt work thus causing the
investors to take back their money
and close down the factory.
Can cause unemployment

Indonesia International
Indonesia have international relationship with the
neighbor countries such as Australia, Malaysia,
Singapore, and other countries in Asia and also
outside Asia. Indonesia has a "free and active"
foreign policy. There are lots of international
countries... However, it could be problematic.
E.g: Malaysia, they trade resources and work
labours that cause conflict to both countries.

Globalization is seen to be both good, and bad for Indonesia in different
It is the most effective, and easy way to build Indonesia into a strong
economical, and successful country.
Helps Indonesia to develop in many ways.
However, it might be harmful since it affect our identity as an Indonesian
citizen and the influence they have to our society can be a negative thing.

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