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Unit 1 Religion & Life: Christianity

Exemplar Answers
(a) What is prayer? (2 marks)
Prayer is the way in which religious people attempt to communicate with God. They believe
that through prayer they can share their worries, say sorry, give thanks or ask for something
from God.
(b) Do you think suffering proves God does not exist? Give two reasons for your
point of view. (4 marks)
I do think that suffering proves that God does not exist because if God was truly
omnibenevolent, then he would love us enough to take away our suffering. There is suffering
and so God does not exist.
I also think that if God was truly omnipotent then he would be powerful enough to stop
suffering completely. However, there is suffering and so God lacks the power to stop the
suffering, therefore does not exist.
(c)* Explain how religious experiences may lead to belief in God (8 marks)
A miracle is one example a religious experience which can lead to belief in God, as it defies all
logic and science. This may lead to belief in God as that person feels as if the only possible
explanation for this act is that God must exist and must have performed this act.
A numinous experience could lead to belief in God as it is the feeling of something greater
than you and you feel as though you are insignificant and in the presence of a greater power.
This feeling may lead to belief in God because as you feel a religious presence around you,
this may make you believe in God.
A near death experience could lead to belief in God as this is when you experience death for a
short amount of time and some people claim to have seen God. This leads to belief in God as
the person may have seen God this might act as proof for them that God exists.
Conversion can lead to belief in God because this is transferring from one religion to another
or can make an atheist (someone who previously didnt believe in God) to believe in God. If
you choose to convert religions then you feel as if you have been called to God and a religion.
If you feel like this then this could lead to you joining that religion and so beginning belief in
(d) Only science can explain how the world was created in your answer you should
refer to Christianity.
i)Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3 marks)
ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i)I do not agree that only science can explain how the world was created because as a
Christian I believe that God created the world and everything in it. As the world is so carefully
designed that it must have had a designer and the only thing powerful enough to do this is
God. I also do not agree because I agree with the causation argument, as you can view causes
in the world and the only thing powerful enough to start all of these cause was God; the
uncaused causer. I finally do not agree because I believe in the design argument and part of
this is that he world is so beautiful that it cant have happened by accident and must have
been the work of someone powerful who wants the world to be as perfect as possible for his
(ii)One reason that someone may disagree with me is that they would say although the world
is complex this is because of evolution and development in the world and not as a result of
Gods creation. Others would also say that there is scientific evidence for the beginning of the
world but God has never been officially proven. Another reason that others may disagree with
me is because they would say that God is not the only thing powerful enough to start the
beginning of the world but that other things in science like explosions etc. are powerful
enough to do this as well.


(a) What is free will? (2 marks)
Free will is a term used to say how we are not controlled by God and that we are able to make
our own choices in life e.g. we can choose whether to follow God or not.
(b) Do you think the universe is designed? Give two reasons for your point of view.
(4 marks)
I do think the universe is designed as firstly the universe is so detailed and complex that it
must have had a designer and creator. The only thing powerful enough to design such a
complex universe is God.
Another reason I think the universe is designed is because of William Paley and his watch
analogy. He said that a watch is so carefully designed with so much detail, and the watch has
a designer. This is much like the universe with God as the universes designer.
(c)Explain why unanswered prayers may lead some people not to believe in God (8
If someones prayer is unanswered they may feel that God is not powerful enough to answer
them. This would make them think he is not omnipotent and therefore could think that he
doesnt exist.
Another reason is that if someones prayer goes unanswered they may think that God cannot
see them. This would make them think that he is not omniscient and therefore may think that
he does not exist.
Another reason is that if someones prayer goes unanswered they may feel that God is not
loving enough to answer there prayer. This would make them think that he is not
omnibenevolent and therefore they may doubt his existence as God is meant to be a loving
Finally people may not believe in God as they know that they have free will, but may not feel
that there free will is worth all of the pain and suffering that occurs. This would make them
think that their free will does not come from God.
(d) All religious parents should make sure their children believe in God In your
answer you should refer to Christianity.
i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3 marks)
ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i)I do not think that parents should make sure that their child believes in God as religion is
about your personal experience with God and therefore you should find your religion on your
own. Another reason is that by making your child believe in God they may rebel against the
religion and turn away from God all together. Finally the childs religion may not be genuine as
they are only putting on a front to please their parent, which goes against free will.
(ii)Some Christians may disagree with me and say that, how is your child supposed to know
about the religion if they arent forced by their parent when they are young? Another reason is
that a Christians feel it is their duty to raise a child in the Christian faith, and therefore may
feel that they need to make sure their child believes in God. Finally Jesus taught that your
faith in him should grow and develop, but the only thing that can start this is if you are forced
to start your religion from when you are a child so that you can grow in faith as you become
(a) What does agnosticism mean? (2 marks)
Agnosticism is when a person does not believe that there is proof that God exists, but that
there is not proof that he does not exist.
(b) Do you think a religious upbringing makes children believe in God? Give two
reasons for your point of view. (4 marks)

Yes, I believe religious upbringing leads to belief in God due to the fact that the children might
attend a religious school. This would mean that they will learn about God and religious values
which may make them believe in God.
Also, if a child attends a church from a young age then they will feel like part of a community.
This will mean that they will enjoy attending church which may lead to long lasting belief in
(c)Explain why evil and suffering may lead some people not to believe in God. (8
Evil and suffering may lead to non-belief in God due to the fact that God is supposedly
omnibenevolent. Therefore, if he was all loving then there would be no evil and suffering in
the world, as he would love us enough to stop suffering.
Also, God is thought to be omnipotent. This means that he would be able to use his power to
prevent any evil and suffering in the world, as he would be powerful enough to stop it. He
doesnt and so some people may think that he does not exist.
Furthermore, if God were omniscient he would be aware of all the suffering and evil. This
means that he would do something to stop it. There is evil in the world and so this would lead
to doubting God.
Finally, some people believe that God gives us free will however; people may say that free will
is not worth it due to all the evil and suffering that it causes. This may make them doubt
Gods intentions and existence.
(d) The world is so beautiful it must have been designed by God Refer to
i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3 marks)
ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i)I agree due to the fact that Christians believe that God is omnibenevolent meaning that he
would be all loving and would love us enough to give us a beautiful world. Also, the world is so
complex that only God would be powerful enough to design it, as his is omnipotent. Finally, as
Paleys watch analogy states that if something as complex as a watch has a designer then
surely the world must as it is even more complex, this designer is God.
(ii) People may disagree with me by saying that Darwins theory of evolution disproves God.
Also, many people believe in the big bang theory due to evidence. Finally there is no evidence
to prove God designed the world.
(a) What does omniscient mean? (2 marks)
Omniscient is the belief that God is all knowing. For example if you commit a sin God will
know and punish you.
(b) Do you think that science proves that God did not create the world? Give two
reasons for your point of view (4 marks)
I do not believe that science proves that God did not create the world because science has not
yet proved the Big Bang Theory. This means that if science cannot prove their theory it may
not have happened and God may have created the world.
Also science does not prove that God did not create the world because scientists have not all
agreed on a theory on how the world was created. This means that God could have still
created the world.
(c) Explain, with examples, how television programs and/or radio programs and/or
films might affect a persons belief in God (8 marks)
Evan Almighty is a comedic film that shows a light view to God and makes it easy for anybody
to watch and learn about God. This accessibility may lead people to believe in God because
they can understand aspects of God.

God is reckless in Evan Almighty because he gives his powers to a human being who is
allowed to misuse his powers for his own benefit. This may lead people to not believe in God
as he doesnt care about his creation by giving his powers to a human.
In the Simpsons, Homer, who is the lovable character of the TV programme, doesnt go to
church and sits at home eating doughnuts and does not have to sit in a cold church with the
children. This may discourage someone from believing in God because they would prefer to
stay at home and be like Homer than go to church as church is not portrayed in a positive
Also in the Simpsons Homer does turn back to religion in the end because bad things keep on
happening to him after he didnt go to church. In the end he goes to church and this may lead
to belief in God because the programme shows the main character returning to religion and
belief in God in the end, showing that religion overcomes all obstacles in the end.
(d)Miracles cannot happen today in your answer refer to Christianity
(i)Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3 marks)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i) I disagree as I believe that miracles can happen today, but I think that we may not notice
them as much because we are not expecting for a miracle to happen as religion is less
prominent in todays society. Miracles can happen today because there are examples of
miracles everyday as I believe everyday events such as the birth of a baby or a woman
recovering from cancer are miracles. Miracles can also happen today as God is all loving and a
loving God would want to interact with his creation, which he does through miracles.
(ii) Some people would disagree with me because miracles cannot happen today as science
now can explain some of the miracles that Jesus did and any miracles that happen today
science can explain. Also, God gave us free will, which shows that he may not want to interact
with humanity. Finally miracles may not happen today as there are too many atheists in
society who would explain away any miracle and refuse to believe.
(a) What does natural evil mean? (2 marks)
Natural evil is evil in the world which is not caused by man. Examples of natural evil are
hurricanes and earthquakes.
(b) Do you think television or radio programmes or films can affect a persons
attitudes to belief in God? Give reasons for your answer. (4 marks)
Yes I do think that they can affect a persons attitudes to belief in God as media
subconsciously affects your beliefs. With daily exposure it will either suggest alternatives to
religion or make religion seem as absolute truth, so that your attitudes to it have changed.
Also the media can make the concept of religion seem trivial. It can make fun of religious
beliefs so that you eventually view religion as unimportant and a subject to make fun of. As a
result the person would stop believing in God as they would find it impossible to embrace the
possibility of the existence of God.
(c)Explain how Christians respond to the problem of unanswered prayers. (8
Some Christians would say that it is impossible for every prayer to be answered as some
prayers contradict each other. As a result God has to choose which prayer to answer as
although he is omnipotent he cannot answer contradicting prayers.
Some Christians would say that if your prayer has not been granted then it has still been
answered as the answer is no. God is omniscient and so knows all prayers and answers all,
but some are answered with no.

Another argument is that the prayer might not fit into Gods plan. Gods plan benefits
everybody and a prayer that goes against his plan could jeopardise the entire plan, which
would have implications for millions worldwide.
Finally the prayer might not have loving consequences. If, for example, somebody prayed for
their ex to die out of anger, then if God answered that prayer by granting it he would be
breaking one of the Ten Commandments. As God is omnibenevolent anyway he wouldnt want
to kill one of his children.
(d)No one should be an atheist. In your answer you should refer to Christianity.
(i)Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3 marks)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i)I disagree as everybody as free will, the right to choose if they want to practise a religion or
not. Also according to Matthew 7:1 we shall not judge or we will be judged, so we shouldnt
tell someone if they are not allowed a certain belief. Finally people can convert from being an
atheist to Christianity; sometimes they need time without belief to think about Christianity.
(ii)Some people may disagree with me as Catholics believe atheists will go to hell and by
forcing them to convert they are saving them from eternal damnation. Also Christians believe
that Christianity improves the lives of others, by making them believe in an afterlife or
adopting Christian values. Thirdly Christians believe that God exists and is real, so that
atheists are making a mistake by turning their backs on him. If however they convert back
they can accept the absolute truth.
(a) What does omnibenevolent mean? (2 marks)
The belief that God is all loving towards everyone and everything, this allows him to forgive
people when they do wrong.
(b) Do you think that a religious experience proves that God exists? Give two
reasons for your point of view (4 marks)
I think it does as a numinous experience cannot be explained by science or other ideas. It
proves to many people that he does exist as the feeling is so overpowering that you are
compelled to believe in God.
Also, a conversion to another religion is a life changing experience and therefore leads many
people to believe in God. It changes such a large part of your life and so proves that God
exists as you would not change your lifestyle to such an extent without good reason to believe
in the existence of God.
(c)Explain how the argument from design may lead to belief in God (8 marks)
The design argument shows that God exists. As people can see that the world is very well
ordered and designed such as the intricate DNA that exists. This means that the design
argument is easily understood by people.
Also, the world is so complex and intricate that people can see that God must exist as it could
not have happened by itself. Everything is so complex and ordered that an external power
must be responsible, which is God.
In our everyday lives we assume that everything is designed by other things, for example
William Paley said that if we saw a watch we would assume that there was a watchmaker.
Therefore people can easily see that the design argument is every logical and that if a watch
has a watchmaker the universe must have a universe maker.
The only being that is powerful enough to design the world is God therefore. God must have
existed to create the world because no one else is powerful enough to do so, as only God is
(d) There are no solutions to the problem of evil and suffering In your answer you
should refer to Christianity

(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3 marks)

(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i)I agree as evil and suffering will always exist. Humans have free will, because God gave it to
us, which means that they are able to control whether there is evil and suffering in the world
and get rid of it. For example, if people did not get into wars then there would not be lots of
death and suffering.
(ii)Others disagree with me they believe that there are not solutions to all the evil and
suffering in the world, as natural evil cannot be avoided by human action and therefore free
will does not help to solve evil and solution. They also believe that evil and suffering is a
necessity as it allows people to follow Jesus example and care for those who are suffering. For
example when Jesus cured a paralysed man he was able to walk again, we can follow Jesus
example and help those who have been suffering therefore there is no need for a solution.
(a) What is a miracle? (2 marks)
A miracle is an unexplained event which breaks the laws of science and leads you to believe
that only God could have done it.
(b) Do you think unanswered prayers prove God does not exist? Give two reasons
for your point of view. (4 marks)
I do not think unanswered prayers prove that God does not exist because God answers all
prayers but sometimes the answer is no. As Christians must accept that God knows what is
best for us and so a no does is still an answer.
Additionally, God has a plan for everyone and your prayer might not fit in line with Gods plan
for you. Therefore God cannot answer it in the way you want him to the fact that he does not
answer does not mean that he does not exist.
(c)Explain how the causation argument may lead to belief in God. (8 marks)
Cause and effect seem to be a basic feature of the world. Whatever we do has an effect.
Modern science has developed through looking at causes and effects, and scientific
investigations seem to show that any effect has a cause and any cause has an effect.
Therefore, the causation argument may lead to a belief in God because everything is causes
by something. Nothing can happen on its own. Hence the universe would have to have been
causes and we need a first cause to have started all of the causes. By definition, the only
being powerful enough to be the First Cause is God as God is omnipotent.
Due to the fact that everything is caused by something else, Christians believe that the
universe must have also been caused. As something cannot cause itself and because nothing
in the universe has the power to create the universe then God must be involved and used His
omniscience to cause all the things that happen.
Therefore, if God is the only being powerful enough and intelligent enough to have causes all
the causes including the universe and the fact that the universe exists also is proof that the
First Cause, being God would also exist.
(d)Natural evil is proof that God did not create the world. In your answer you
should refer to Christianity.
Do you agree? Give reasons for your point of view. (3 marks)
Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i)I disagree with this statement because I believe that the fact that there is natural evil is not
something which was caused by God. I believe that God has a plan for everyone and this plan
may involve evil and suffering which has come about by natural evil and as Christians we
must trust God and accept that everything will be fine in the end. Additionally, I believe that
natural evil is a test from God, to see if you continue to have faith in him after you have faced

(i)However some people may disagree with me because they believe that if God was omnibenevolent he would not want his people to suffer and therefore would stop natural evil.
Additionally, they believe that if God was omnipotent he would have the power to stop natural
evil and not allow people to suffer. Finally, some people may believe that if God was
omniscient he would be aware that a natural disaster is going to happen and would also know
hot prevent it from happening but God does not do this so God does not exist.
(a) What is assisted suicide? (2 marks)
Assisted suicide is when someone aids another person in an act to commit suicide. For
example, if you provided someone with a lethal injection which they plan to use to commit
(b) Do you think that there is life after death? Give two reasons for your point of
view (4 marks)
I do think that there is life after death because as a Christian I believe that on the third day
after being crucified on the cross, Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. This
shows that there is in fact a life after death in heaven.
I also believe in life after death because the Bible teaches that if you follow Christian
teachings and beliefs on earth you will be rewarded by God by having a place in heaven.
However if you ignore Christian teachings and sin, you will be sent to hell. This shows that
there is life after death as there is a place you go after death.
(c)Explain why most Christians are against euthanasia. (8 marks)
Many Christians are opposed to euthanasia as they follow the Bibles teaching of the sanctity
of life, that all life must be preserved and cared for. Many think that by committing euthanasia
and purposefully killing someone you are disrespecting this belief.
Some Christians are also against euthanasia because they consider it to be a form of murder.
The Bible teaches in the Ten Commandments that Thou shalt not kill and many Christians
interpret euthanasia to be a form of killing and so they are sinning by committing it.
Another reason why some Christians may think that by committing euthanasia you are
fighting against Gods plan. They think that by interfering with a persons impending death,
you are contradicting what God has planned out for this persons life.
Lastly, a final reason why Christians could be opposed to euthanasia is that it ends the
suffering of the person. Some Christians might think that suffering is part of their way of life
as they follow the example of Jesus dying on the cross for their sins and by committing
euthanasia you are contradicting this belief.
(d) No Christian should have an abortion. In your answer you should refer to
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i)I do not agree with this statement because as a Christian I believe God gave us free will.
This means that if we consider abortion to be an acceptable practice, we have the free will to
control it. I also agree with this statement because as a Christian I believe that you should
Love thy neighbour and by keeping a child when it is not practical as they might grow up in
a hostile and even dangerous family, putting them through that is not the most loving thing to
do when we can spare them. I also disagree as in some circumstances abortion should be
allowed, e.g. after rape.
(ii)Others may disagree with me as they may follow the Christian teaching that all life is
sacred. They may think that by ending a life before they are even born is going against this
key Christian belief. Another reason why some others might disagree with me is that they may
follow the Christian teaching in the Ten Commandments that Thou shalt not kill. They might

think that by ending the life of a human before they are even born you are committing a form
of murder and are sinning in the eyes of God.
(a) What is resurrection (2 marks)
Resurrection is when someone returns from the dead to life. E.g. Jesus resurrecting in the
(b) Do you think euthanasia should be legal in the UK? Give two reasons for your
point of view. (4 marks)
Yes, as it may be a lesser of two evils. I believe that ending their life will be kinder than letting
them suffer with an illness.
It also gives people freedom to choose whether the live or die. This may be the most loving
thing to do, as it will help end suffering and I believe in situation ethics, which is that we
should always do the most loving thing.
(c) Explain why one Christian agency is trying to end world poverty. (8 marks)
Christian Aid is one agency trying to end world poverty. They are doing this because in the
bible Jesus helped the poor. Christians should follow Jesus' example.
The Bible also teaches Christians to help one another. Through such teachings as "Love thy
neighbour" and so Christians would want to help each other through charity work.
Saints and other Christian figures in the bible give leading examples of how we should help
one another. Christians may want to try to be like these people and charity is one way they
can do this.
The Bible and Church also teaches Christians the Golden Rule of treat others as you wish to
be treated. Christians would want to be helped and so would help others who are less
fortunate and in need of help.
(d)"Life after death is impossible". In your answer you should refer to Christianity.
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i)I agree as there is no scientific proof of life after death. I also think that the idea of life after
death is just there to comfort people so they are not scared of dying. There are many different
beliefs about life after death and they do not coincide with one another.
(ii)Christians disagree as they would say that in the Bible Jesus rose from the dead, proving
life after death. In the Bible it also says that if we obey God we will go to Heaven. Near death
experiences could also make someone believe in life after death, as they believe they have
this afterlife. Some people believe they have witnessed the paranormal and could be said to
be the afterlife.
(a) What is euthanasia? (2 marks)
Euthanasia is when someone induces a painless death i.e. voluntary euthanasia
(b)Do you agree that the media should be allowed to criticise what religions say
about matters of life and death? (4 marks)
I agree that the media should be allowed to criticise what religions say about matters of life
and death because God has given us free will. This means that we have been given the right
to say what we want about others.
I also agree that the media should be allowed to criticise what religions say about matters of
life and death because as part of our Human Rights, we have the right to freedom of speech.
This means that we can criticise others, including the media.
(c) Explain why some non-religious people believe in life after death (8 marks)

Some non-religious people believe in life after death because they may have seen a ghost or
supernatural being, therefore this could lead them to believe that it belonged to someone who
has died, hence proving that there is life after death.
Another reason why some non-religious people may believe in life after death is because they
could have had a near death experience where their soul has left their body. This could have
led them to believe in life after death as they may have seen the afterlife in this time.
In addition, non-religious people may believe in life after death because they have contacted
the dead through mediums and sances. If they had a response then this could be evidence
that there is in fact life after death.
Some non-religious people may also believe in life after death because they may feel as
though they have gone through reincarnation (where the soul is re-born into a new body).
Therefore this could make them believe that there is life after death as they have lived in
another form before and are living now.
The law on abortion should be changed. In your answer you should refer to
(i) Do you agree? (3 marks)
(ii)Give reasons why others may disagree with you (3 marks)
(i)I disagree that the law on abortion should be changed because if the mothers life is at risk
then you would potentially be destroying two lives instead of one. Additionally, I disagree that
the law on abortion should be changed because if the mother cant bring up the child in a safe
and healthy home then it wouldnt be fair on the child. Some Christians may disagree as well
because they believe in situation ethics which means that if going through with abortion
within the 24 weeks is the most loving thing to do as the mother cant afford to bring up the
baby properly, then it is right.
(ii)Others may disagree with me and say that the law on abortion should be changed because
it goes against the sanctity of life; this means that life is a gift from God and only he has the
right to take it away and destroy it. Some Christians may agree with this quote because they
believe that abortion goes against the teachings in the Decalogue thou shall not kill, this
means that under no extent anyone should be killed, even up to the 24th week of a
pregnancy. Roman Catholics may agree with this quote as well because of the teaching of the
Catechism Abortion is a terrible crime, this shows that abortion shouldnt be allowed even
during 24 weeks because it is seen as unforgivable.
(a) What does immortality of the soul mean? (2 marks)
Even after the physical body dies, the inner-personality of the person lives on; for example in
either Heaven or Hell.
(b)Do you think everyone should have the right to die when they want? Give two
reasons for your point of view. (4 marks)
No, I do not think everyone has the right to die when they want. Only God has the power to
decide when you die. If you have an illness, there may be a cure to be discovered, so you
should wait as it may save your life.
Also, if someone helps you die, this is assisted suicide. So, one of your loved ones could get
punished by the law and/or God for this as it is against the law and a sin. If you really care
about your loved ones, you will not let this be their fate.
(c) Explain how Christian beliefs about life after death affects the way Christians
live their lives. (8 marks)
Some Christians will avoid committing crimes as they believe that they will not get into
Heaven if they have sinned. This will mean that they live a crime-free as well as sin-free life.

Other Christians will try to do good deeds in able to secure a place for themselves in Heaven.
This includes being involved in charities and local aid.
No Christian would want to spend the rest of eternity in Hell, so if they have sinned, they will
confess their sins to their Priest, in order to gain forgiveness from God and so they will live a
life where they repent for their sins so that they are not punished after death.
One of the main aims of Christians is to fulfil their Christian duties in their lives on Earth. Part
of this is to follow th laws of Christianity as outlined in the Bible, such as the Ten
Commandments and the Golden rule. Christians will follow these teachings so as to spend the
Afterlife in Heaven with God.
(d) Abortion should always be allowed. In your answer, you should refer to
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i)I do agree with this quote because sometimes the woman is financially unable to support
the child, so it would be unfair to bring it into the world. In the unfortunate situation of the
pregnancy being caused by rape, the mother should not have the burden of having to raise an
unwanted and unplanned child. It is the mothers choice to choose if and when she has a
child. If she is not yet ready to have a child, she should not have to.
(ii) People may disagree as the Bible teaches that all life is sacred and should be preserved.
This is called The Sanctity of Life. Also, the goal of Christianity is to have children and bring
them up in a Christian way. Abortion is another type of murder, and in the Bible, it says Thou
shall not murder. So, to avoid sin, the mother should not have an abortion.
(a) What is meant by the quality of life? (2 marks)
The belief that life must have some benefits in order to be worth living e.g. Some people may
believe that keeping others alive on life support machines does not give them a very good
quality of life.
(b) Do you think natural disasters are the main cause of world poverty? Give two
reasons for your point of view. (4 marks)
I do not think that natural disasters are the main cause of world poverty as it can also be
caused by moral evil. This is actions by humans which cause suffering, for example corrupt
leaders in certain countries may deny their people of necessities in daily life, which causes
world poverty.
I also do not think that natural disasters are the main cause of world poverty because it can
also be caused by debt in certain countries, and help not getting to those who need it. This
may mean that people are left without the food they need to survive, leading to increased
(c) Explain why abortion is a controversial issue. (8 marks)
Abortion is a controversial issue because some people may be pro-choice. This means that
they believe it is the mothers right to choose whether or not she should have an abortion and
nobody has any right to interfere with this decision.
However some people may be against abortion as they are pro-life. They therefore believe
that a life is a life and perhaps that life begins from the moment on conception and so by
having an abortion this is killing a potential life; this is a Roman Catholic view.
Abortion is also a controversial issue as some people believe that abortion is right in the case
of rape, it will prevent long term mental issues for both the mother and the child. If the child
was born, people may believe that the mother may reject it as it would remind her of the

However some people may be against abortion as they believe in the sanctity of life, that all
life is holy sacred and belongs to God. They believe that by having an abortion, it is killing and
as humans we have no right to take away life, only God does.
(d)Euthanasia is the same as murder. In your answer you should refer to
(i) Do you agree? (3 marks)
(ii) Give reasons why others may disagree (3 marks)
(i)I do not think that Euthanasia is the same as murder as it a person might have such a low
quality of life that it is better for them to die. Also if a person is in a coma or is being kept
alive by a life support machine, then it is not murder to help them to die as it is kinder. It may
be the lesser of two evils and could also relieve the family of the person suffering as they will
know that their loved one is in a better place.
(ii) However some Christians may disagree with me as they believe in the Sanctity of life. This
is the belief that all life is holy, sacred and belongs to God and so means that no human has
the right to take away life and so euthanasia should not be committed. They may also
disagree with me because in the 10 commandments, God said Do not kill. Euthanasia is the
painless killing of another person and so this is disobeying one of Gods commands. Finally,
Christians may disagree with me as we are all made in the image of God. Therefore be
taking away a life it is almost the same as killing a part of God and so therefore this is wrong.
(a) What is abortion? (2 marks)
The deliberate removal of a foetus before it can survive outside the womb
(b) Do you think belief in life after death is impossible? Give two reasons for your
point of view (4 marks)
I believe that life after death isnt imposable because I am Christian and the Bible teaches
about Heaven as a reward for good behaviour. This means that there is a place that we can go
to after death, meaning that there is life after death.
Jesus resurrected from the dead so it proves that it is possible for there to be life after death.
If Jesus resurrected then humans can too and have life after death.
(c)Explain why euthanasia is a controversial issue? (8 marks)
Euthanasia is a controversial issue because some Christians may believe that we are given life
by God and we should respect that. As it was given by God, they may believe that its not our
choice to when it ends and that only God can choose to end it.
Some Christians believe that The body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore we cannot
do anything to harm it as it would be against Gods will and would be like we are harming a
part of God.
Roman Catholics believe that euthanasia is not acceptable as they believe it goes against
Christian teachings and is murder. They would believe that this breaks the Christian teaching
of Do not kill.
Some Christians believe in the sanctity of life. Therefore they believe that all life is sacred,
holy and belongs to God. This means that life should be preserved and not prematurely
(d) The media should not be allowed to criticise what religion says about matters
of life and death
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion (3 marks)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you (3 marks)
I disagree with this because the media represents modern day life. If it criticises what religion
says about matters of life and death it gives people an alternate choice. It can also allow
others to understand and respect other peoples views. Not all people are religious anyway so
they have to cater for everyone.

(ii) People may disagree with me because England is traditionally a Christian country therefore
the media should always show religious views in a good light. Christians may also find it
offensive or as if it is mocking their religion and it may encourage non-religious views
amongst people
(a) What is Adultery? (2 marks)
Adultery is a sexual act between a married person, and somebody that is outside the
marriage (not the married persons spouse)
(b) Do you think family life is important? Give two reasons for your point of view. (4
Personally I think that family life is very important. I think this because as a Christian I believe
that I have been taught to care for your family, as in the Decalogue we are told to Honour thy
mother and father. Therefore I feel it is important to have a strong, loving family, so you can
care for, and honour, your parents.
I also feel that is important as I feel that it is vital for Christians to give their children a
religious upbringing. I think this is important as it creates strong bonds within the family, as
they have a shared love of God. This means that the family would become closer, which is
very important.
(c)Explain why some Christians agree with homosexuality and others do not. (8
Some Christians would agree with homosexuality due to the fact that in the Bible we are told
that there is neither Jew, nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and
female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. This teaches us that we are all equal, and that we
should not be prejudice to one another, but that we should accept everyone for who they are
because we are all one in Christ Jesus.
Another reason some Christians may accept homosexuality because in the Bible we are
taught to love one another because God has loved us, as well as to love thy neighbour.
This teaches us that we should all love each other and treat each other equally, because that
is what God does, so we should too.
However some Christians disagree with homosexuality is because in the Bible it says that
marriage is between a man and a woman, and not once does it say that it is between a man
and a man, or a woman and a woman. Some Christians infer this in a way that homosexuality
is wrong, due to the Bible saying that relationships are only supposed to be heterosexual.
Another reason that some Christians disagree with homosexuality is that in the Bible it is said
that men who have committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the
due penalty for their perversion. This says that homosexuals are wrong, and should be
punished. Also the Bible says to be fruitful and multiply, and homosexuals cannot do this, so
it is against the Bible.
(d) Christians should never use contraception Refer to Christianity in your
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer (3 marks)
(ii) Why would some people disagree with you? (3 marks)
(i) Personally I strongly disagree with this statement, because as a Christian I believe that God
gave us free will, so therefore we are allowed to do what we wish, and if people want to use
contraception then that is okay. Another reason I feel that this statement is wrong is because
contraception such as condoms helps protect against STDs, and in the Bible we are taught
that we are all made in the image of God, so we should try and preserve this image and not
defile it. The final reason I disagree is that in the Bible there is no mention of contraception
being wrong, so we cannot find any biblical teaching against contraception so there is no
justifiable reason to be against it.

(ii)However some may disagree with me due to the fact that in the Bible it says to be fruitful
and multiply and to use contraception would stop this from happening. Also, some Christians
would argue that the accessibility of contraception would encourage sex outside marriage,
which the Catholic Church is against. The final reason some may agree with this statement is
that the Catholic Church say it denies human nature, as it stops nature doing its job (creating
a baby), and therefore it is wrong, as God created us to procreate, so we should do so.
(a) What is meant by procreation? (2 marks)
Procreation is specifically taking part in sexual activities to bare offspring. Catholics believe
that procreating is the only need to have sex.
(b) Do you think attitudes in the UK towards homosexuality have changed? Give
two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks)
Yes. I think this as it is now taught universally in schools and education facilities that being
homosexual is no worse or better than being heterosexual. This is a change as before
(perhaps twenty years ago) being homosexual was unanimously taught as being negative.
Also, the church is more accepting of homosexual people as the church teaches that God
loves all his children. This is change as beforehand the church actively worked against
Homosexual people as in the bible it teaches that man shall not lie with man.
(c)*Explain why most Christians are against sex outside marriage. (8 marks)
Most Christians, such as Roman Catholics, are against sex outside marriage as in the Bible, it
teaches us that we should Be fruitful and multiply. As Christianity teaches to have children
inside of marriage, this means that sex should not take place outside of marriage.
Secondly, Christians believe in Sex inside marriage because sex outside marriage may lead to
promiscuity which is sinful and impure. As lust is one of the seven deadly sins, having sex
outside marriage would be having sex for pleasure and therefore one would be committing a
deadly sin.
Thirdly, Christians do not have sex outside marriage as in the Bible it says Let marriage be
held in honour among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the
sexually immoral and adulterous. In order to get into heaven, Christians must follow what the
bible says and respect that God will judge them if they have sex outside marriage.
Lastly, adultery is also sex outside marriage and this is wrong in Christianity as the marriage
vows have been taken in front of God. Therefore by breaking the marriage vow of remaining
faithful to your husband/wife you are breaking your promise to God.
(d) All Christians should allow divorce. In your answer you should refer to
(i)Do you agree? Give reasons for your answers. (3 marks)
(ii)Give reasons why some people might disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i)I do agree as sometimes divorce is safer than staying in marriage. This could be because
one partner is abusing the other, therefore hurting that partner and putting their partner in
jeopardy. Christians should allow it as the golden rule of Christianity is to Love thy Neighbour
and divorce can sometimes be more loving if a person is unhappy. Also, sometimes it is better
for the children for a couple to divorce as the parents may not be getting along.
(ii) Catholics may disagree with me as they believe that marriage is sacred and you have
made a promise in front of God to love and care for your partner. Catholics may not see
divorce as a suitable option to get out of a relationship as you would have lied to God and
broken an important vow. Marriage is a sacrament and this should not be broken.
(a) What is promiscuity? (2 marks)
Having several sexual partners with no commitment to them.

(b) Do you think that sex outside marriage is acceptable? Give 2 reasons for your
point of view. (4 marks)
I think that sex outside of marriage is acceptable, as God gave us free will to do what we
want. Therefore if we want to have sex outside marriage we can as we can make a choice
about what we do.
Also, God teaches that we should be fruitful and multiply, meaning that we should produce
children. If your marriage partner is unable to have children, then we have to find another way
of making children.
(c)Explain how the purposes of marriage are shown in the Christian wedding
ceremony. (8 marks)
The partners give each other rings to shown their love for each other. As the rings are circular,
it shows that their love is never ending and that Gods love for the couple is never ending.
Also, the bride wears a white dress. This shows that she is pure, which is important to
Christians, as it shows that they have not had sex outside of marriage, which is one of the
teachings of Christianity.
The couple make vows in the Church, proclaiming their love for each other. This shows God
that they truly love each other and it involves God in their marriage.
Finally, the priest asks the couple if they will love each other, in sickness and in health. This
shows that they couple will care for each other, which is what God wants us to do.
(d)A religious family is a happy family. In your answer you should refer to
(i)Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks)
(ii)Give reasons why others may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i)I do not believe that a religious family is a happy family, as there can be conflicts within
religious families. For example, if the parents are of different Christian denominations, they
will have different views on controversial issues. Also, religion does not play a part in all
families in the modern world and there are many happy families who are not religious.
(ii)However, others may say that as they family is religious, they should all follow the same
religious laws and beliefs, which means that they will never disagree on issues. The family
would follow the rule of honour thy mother and father and so would respect each other. They
would also follow the golden rule; treat others as you wish to be treated and so they would
treat each other nicely leading to a happy family life.
(a) What is a civil partnership? (2 marks)
A civil partnership is a legal ceremony giving a homosexual couple the same legal rights as a
husband and wife.
(b) Do you think all Christians should accept divorce? Give two reasons for your
point of view? (4 marks)
Yes, because God is omnibenevolent so therefore is willing to forgive you for your mistakes.
This means that if you choose the wrong marriage partner God loves you enough to forgive
you and want you to be happy outside of the marriage and so will allow you to have a divorce.
Also, God gave humans free will so they can make their own moral decisions. This means they
have the free will to choose to have a divorce if they want to.
(c)Explain how Christian Churches help to keep families together. (8 marks)
The Church tries to help parents to raise their children in a stable, Christian environment. This
means that the family will stay together as they will have an increased amount of stability.

Also when there may be a lot of stress on the parents, the Church helps by taking the
pressure off parents and supporting the family. This means that the parents get help with
raising the children.
As children grow up they will attend Sunday schools and youth groups where they will learn
about God in a social setting. This will make them part of a community and also the family as
a whole will be part of this community, which would help the family to stay together.
Furthermore, if a couple are thinking of having a divorce, Christian Churches offer help &
advice to families through counselling. This could help to save the marriage and keep the
family together.
Condoms are the best form of contraception. In your answer you should refer to
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks)
(ii) Give reasons why others may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i) I agree because it is the most loving form of contraception as you are preventing your
partner from getting an STD. Also, they work 99% of time so are a very reliable form of
contraception. In addition, condoms are readily available over the counter and therefore they
are easy to get hold of.
(ii)However some Christians may disagree, because they are against all forms of
contraception as they prevent life. Some Christians may prefer the implant because you do
not have to worry about always having a condom on you. Furthermore, some Christians may
argue that condoms make sex less pleasurable and the Church of England teaches that sex
should be a pleasurable act.


(a) What is a re-constituted family? (2 marks)
Where two sets of children (stepbrothers and stepsisters) become one family when their
divorced parents marry each other.
(b)Do you think faithfulness within marriage is important? Give two reasons for
your point of view. (4 marks)
I think faithfulness within marriage is important because a marriage is making a promise to
someone in the presence of God. This means that the marriage is holy and to break the
marriage vows would be to go against God as you have involved Him in the marriage.
Also, being unfaithful could lead to sexually transmitted diseases. If someone acts
promiscuously, then they put themselves and their sexual partners at risk of infection from
(c)Explain why some Christians allow divorce. (8 marks)
Some Christians allow divorce because it could cause less suffering. If a couple do not get on,
it would be more loving if they divorced and moved on.
Also, some Christians argue that allowing divorce would decrease the likelihood of domestic
abuse. Some people need the option to escape an abusive relationship and God would not
want them to be in a relationship where they are being harmed.
It could also be argued that, if there are children in a relationship, it would be better if they
did not witness arguments in a relationship. The children will get a better understanding of
love and a strong relationship if their parents are not forced to stay together.
Finally, Christians believe that God gave us free will. This means that we have the right and
ability to make our own choices, be that getting a divorce.

(d) Everyone should accept homosexual relationships. In your answer you should
refer to Christianity.
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks)
(ii) Give reasons why others may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i) I agree because being homosexual is not a choice, and people cannot decide who they fall
in love with. If they are forced to, they will be living a lie. Also, the Bible teaches Christians to
treat others as they wish to be treated, so we should respect people and the way they lead
their lives. Finally, it is not for us as humans to judge one another. If God does not approve of
homosexuality, he will judge those on Judgement Day.
(ii) Some people may disagree because they believe homosexuality goes against nature.
Many Christians argue that the purpose of sexual intercourse is to reproduce. This will only
work between a man and a woman, so homosexual relationships are wrong. Also, in the Bible
it says a man should not lie with another man. Some Christians will take this as God
expressing his disapproval of homosexuality. Finally, God created Adam and Eve, so many
Christians believe it is natural to be heterosexual.
(a) What is faithfulness? (2 marks)
Having sex with your marriage partner and nobody else.
(b) Do you think marriage is important? (4 marks)
I do think that marriage is important because the whole essence for Christian parents is to
have children and to raise them in a Christian way. This means for me that marriage is
important because it is following Gods will for people to pro-create.
I also think marriage is important because you are vowing to be faithful to someone in the
eyes of God. This for me is important because this shows commitment and faithfulness to
your partner, but also it involves God in your marriage.
(c)Explain why some Christians do not allow divorce? (8 marks)
Some Christians do not allow divorce because you have made the commitment to the other
person, and to God, by taking vows to each other in his presence. Therefore marriage is a
sacred bond and it should be honoured.
Some Christians do not allow divorce because it is unfair on the children. This is because the
family will be split and there will be a divide in the family, which goes against Christian
teachings on family life.
Also Christians believe that when the man and woman get married they become one flesh.
Therefore they are united for life and so divorce should not be possible.
Also some Christians will not allow divorce because Roman Catholics because they believe
that an annulment is allowed as an alternative to divorce, but allowed if the marriage has not
been consummated and most divorces occur many years after the marriage and so divorce
for them is wrong
Sex before marriage is always wrong? In your answer you should refer to
(i)Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks)
(ii)Give reasons why others may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i) I agree because the Bible says the point of sex is to be fruitful and multiply and that this
should happen within a marriage. Also because in the Bible it says sex before marriage is
wrong and so it goes against Gods will and the teachings of the Bible/ Sex before marriage
can lead to promiscuity, which is discouraged in Christinaity.
(ii) People may disagree with this because God gave us free will and we can choose to do this
if we want. Also, because they may not believe that you need to be married to raise a child
and so it is ok to have sex to have children. The Church of England believe that as long as the

couple are committed to each other in a loving relationship then that is what is most
(a) What is religious freedom? (2 marks)
Freedom to choose and exercise any religion you wish to believe in. An example of this is that
even in a Christian country I could choose to be Jewish and worship the Sabbath.
(b) Do you think living in a multi-faith society causes problems for religious people?
(4 marks)
I believe that this can cause problems. Firstly, because the way people from other religions
view things can be very different. This will lead to conflict within the community due to people
having negative views on others religions.
Also having a multi-faith society can cause the religious traditions of the county to become
trivialised. This is because people from other faiths will not place the same importance on
them and as such their value in society will decrease.
(c)Explain why there are still differences among Christians in their attitudes to
other religions. (8 marks)
Pluralist Christians believe that other religions lead to God. They believe this as Jesus
welcomed and embraced all people and as such they should be accepting of those from other
religions, as this is following in the footsteps of Jesus.
However some Christians like Catholics are inclusivist Christians and they believe that people
from other religions will not go to heaven as Christianity is the true religion. They would
believe this as Jesus taught that to het to heaven you have to believe in him and so this is the
only way to get to heaven.
Some Christians like evangelical Christians are exclusivist and believe that people should be
converted to Christianity. They believe this as Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the light;
no-one will come to the father except through me.
Finally other Christians believe that people should not be converted. They believe this as Jesus
gave us free will and so we should be free to hold whatever beliefs we want to without being
persuaded to join another religion.
(d) Men and women are still not treated equally in the UK In your answer you
should refer to Christianity.
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks)
(ii) Give reasons why others may disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i) I believe this is true because women are still being paid less than men for doing the exact
same job, even though this was made illegal. I also believe this as many women are not in
more high end managerial position jobs, showing how society views them in terms of the
responsibilities they should be given and be able to handle. Women are also still the ones who
are seen to have most of the responsibility for children.
(ii) Some people may disagree with me as they would argue that many women are now in
work in comparison to the amount that used to be. They would also argue this as we live in a
Christian country and the teachings of Christianity are that men and women are equal, the
country does teach this. Also, we are all equal in the eyes of God and so we treat each other
as such.
(a) What is religious pluralism? (2 marks)
Religious pluralism is the belief that all religions have a right to co-exist
(b) Do you think the roles of men and women have changed in the UK? Give two
reasons for your point of view. (4 marks)

I think the roles of men and women have changed in the UK as women have become more
respected in the work place. This is due to the fact that men are more accepting of women
making decisions as they have gained the right to vote.
I also think this because women are now increasingly getting jobs. This means that there are
less women staying at home to look after their children, which used to be the main role of a
(c)Explain why Christians should help to promote racial harmony. (8 marks)
Christians should help to promote racial harmony because they believe they will be judged by
God. This means that if they have helped encourage something positive within their
community, God will be pleased and will reward them in Heaven.
They should also promote racial harmony because of the parable The Good Samaritan. This
was told by Jesus to persuade people to live in harmony with people of different ethnicities,
and therefore Christians should follow this teaching and help people of all races.
Thirdly, Christians should promote racial harmony because of the Golden Rule. This is love
your neighbour as yourself, which means that Christians should treat others as they wish to
be treated themselves.
Finally, they should promote racial harmony because all humans are created in the image of
God. This means that Christians should not disrespect each other, otherwise they are
disrespecting God.
(d) The government alone cannot achieve community cohesion. In your answer
you should refer to Christianity.
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks)
(ii) Give reasons why others might disagree with you. (3 marks)
(i)I do not believe that the government alone can achieve community cohesion as there may
be racism or discrimination present in society still. Some people may believe that their
religion or beliefs are superior to others and so therefore they will never be able to live in
peace. There may be arguments and disagreements in societies and different races of
religions may not be able to get along with one another and a common vision and shared
sense of belonging for all members in society may never be achieved. This means that no
matter what strategies and integration methods the government puts in place, a full sense of
community cohesion will never be achieved.
(ii) However some Christians may disagree with me as they believe that community cohesion
can be achieved with government support as Jesus taught us that we should love our
neighbour. This means that we should learn to live together with one another in peace.
Christians may also believe that community cohesion can be achieved as we are all made in
the image of God. This means that God created us all alike him and so we should be able to
love one another and live together happily. Finally Christians may agree with the statement as
Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers. This means we should follow his example and learn
to live together in harmony without arguments, racism or discrimination.
(a) What is meant by community cohesion? (2 marks)
It is the idea of the aspect of togetherness and a shared sense of belonging for all groups in
(b) Do you think that living in a multi-ethnic society helps to reduce racism? Give
two reasons for your point of view. (4 marks)
I think it helps reduce racism because people of different ethnicities can learn to tolerate each
other. This is because they would be used to accepting people from other ethnicities living in
the same community as them.
It can be better having a multi-ethnic society instead of a society with one ethnicity as a type
of society with only one ethnicity may not be able to tolerate people from other ethnicities

when ethnic-minorities are introduced to them. This would lead t more discrimination and
prejudice as they would not understand about different cultures.
(c)Explain why some Christians work to help people who are seeking asylum and/or
immigrant workers in the UK. (8 marks)
Christians would work to help people who are seeking asylum since it can be seen as following
in Jesus footsteps. Jesus always helped people who were in trouble or were in need and so
Christians should do the same.
The Bible says for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me a
drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me expressing how we should attend to those who
ask for help. This is why Christians help people who are seeking asylum.
Christians could apply the golden rule of treating people the way they would want to be
treated. They could help others as they imagine that they would want to be helped if they
were in the same situation.
The Bible also says as each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards
of Gods varied grace. This can simply mean that Christians work to help people who are
seeking asylum as they are fortunate so they should use the facilities and supplies they have
help others.
(d) Everyone should accept interfaith marriages. In your answer refer to
(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion. (3 marks)
(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you. (3 marks)
I dont agree that everyone should accept interfaith marriages because bringing someone
with another faith into a family of a different faith could cause conflict, as the partner of
another faith may not keep to the same traditions. It can be difficult when they have a child
because the child could be torn between following two religions. The rules and guidelines of
the two individuals within the marriage could clash, where one may be allowed to do
something but their partner may not agree.
Others may disagree with me because having interfaith marriages could contribute to
promoting a multi-faith society. Christians may also argue that the Bible says that we are all
made in the image of God, portraying that a couple should be able to abide by each others
differences in religious terms.
Also even if the child chooses one of the parents religions or becomes an atheist, both
parents should be satisfied by whatever choice the child makes. If the couple can live side by
side with their religions, they should be able to agree with the childs religious views as well.

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