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03 December 2014

4.31pm 6.50pm
Chairperson Calderon
Vice Chairperson Muoz
Councilors Balagot, Carbonell, de Layola, Reynoso, and Sarmiento (late, 5.08pm and left
early, 6.12pm)
Year Level Representatives Fuentes and Osorio
1. Store Remittance
2. Committee/Batch Updates
3. AIT Christmas Party
4. Lantern Parade
5. Batch Rep Gonzagas Case
6. Other Matters
1. Agenda Approval Approved
2. Store Remittance
3. Committee/Batch Updates
Graduation Committee (c/o Batch Rep Fuentes)
- afternoon shoot for the batch or changed to whole day of 16
- Banyuhay needs members
- for those who cant make it to the graduation shoot, they may set their own
4. AIT Christmas Party
- Batch Reps assigned for respective performances
- concessionaire logistics problem
- organizations to perform
- RTRs for the event
5. USC Updates
- USC Press Conference tomorrow, needs to send 2 representatives
- Salimbay invited to press conference
6. Lantern Parade
- texter's choice
- 4pm call time for attendees
- needs estimated number of attendees
- prodwork has already started, will be hiring a carpenter
- pick up c/o Charlo
- still looking for corn husks
- Lantern Shirt:
Suppliers: Kyel and JB; chosen: JB

7. Batch Rep Gonzagas Case

- Belen: no updates from Juan
- no updates from UFC
- no updates from the FST batch
- Batch Rep Osorio: I move to impeach Batch Rep Gonzaga.
- Vice Chair Muoz: Second the motion.
- Batch Rep Gonzaga is impeached through a consensus.
- Inform Juan tonight. (c/o Councilor Balagot)
- Thursday: Release memo regarding impeachment.
- AIT Belen clarify if the competition pushes through
- UFC letter c/o Councilor Ivy
- New Freshie Representative: RJ Rayos (to be finalized during semplanning)
8. OMs
- GASC on January 9-10, 2015 at UP Cebu; Agenda: CRSRS
- Last GA next week.

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