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By: Tyler Slotterbach

Country Information

Population of 83,688,164 with a growth rate at 1.92%

Religion of mostly Muslim but some Christians
Located in northern Africa
Prime minister is Ibrahim Mehlib
President is Gen. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi

Other Information
The flag of Egypt has three colors consisting of the three equal
horizontal red, white, and black bands of the Arab Liberation flag
dating back to the Egyptian Revolution of 1952. The flag has
Egypt's national emblem, the Eagle of Saladin centered in the
white band.
Main currency is the Egyptian pound
1 Egyptian pound = 14 US cents

Things to Know Before Traveling

You will need a visa to travel to Egypt
When entering Egypt, it is necessary to cover your hair especially
when entering religious buildings
The best time to enter Egypt weather wise between October and
Egyptian tap water is heavily chlorinated so suggest buying bottled

A Few Words
Hello = Marhaaba
Yes = Aiwa
No = La
Please = MinFAdlak (M) / MinFAdlik (F)
Thank you = Shokran
Youre welcome = Afwan
Im sorry/excuse me/never mind = Maleesh
Come on/hurry up/lets go = Yallah
Water = Maiya
Tea = Shay
Coffee/Coffeehouse = Ahwa

Making Appointments

Cairo has the some of the worst traffic jams in the world
It is almost certain that someone will come late when visiting
Be polite to people
Dress appropriately
Shake hands

Business Dress

Bring gifts such as pastry's and baked goods

Shake hands with the other person
Dress appropriately
Be polite

Topics of Conversation

Not good to talk about women in Egypt

Good to talk about sports
Positive reputation of Egyptian leaders

Addressing Others
Be polite
Address everyone with respect

Acceptable Behavior
Being polite
Treating others with respect

Gift Giving





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