Opposite Hypotenuse A C Opposite Hypotenuse B C: Sina Sinb

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8-2 Trigonometric Ratios

A quick review of trigonometric ratios then we will have some fun.

By the AA similarity postulate, two right triangles with congruent acute
angles (non right angle) are always going to be similar. Because this is
always the case, we can use the ratio of two side lengths of our similar
triangles to find the measure of the acute angles of our right triangle. These
are known as the Trigonometric ratios
sin squared + cosine squared =1
Sine The sine of an angle is the ratio of
the length of the leg opposite the angle to
the length of the hypotenuse. (Soh)

hypotenuse c
sin B =
hypotenuse c
sin A =

Cosine The Cosine of an angle is the

ratio of the length of the leg adjacent to
the angle to the length of the hypotenuse (Cah)

b arc cosine of b/c = m angle A
hypotenuse c
a arc sine a/c = m angle B
cos B =
hypotenuse c
cos A =

Tangent The tangent of an angle is the ratio of the length of the leg
opposite the angle to the leg adjacent to the angle. (Toa)

tan A =

Opposite a
Adjacent b

tan B =

Opposite b
Adjacent a

The pneumonic device that we will use to remember these ratios is the
nonsensical word: SohCahToa
We can use these ratios and the inverse sin, cos, and tan buttons on our
calculator to help us find the measures of each of the angles, and the lengths
of each of the sides if we are given two pieces of information of the right
triangle. There are a huge number of trigonometric identities showing the
relation between these ratios, but all of them revert back to these basic ratios
in some fashion.

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