Outdoor Education 12 Course Overview

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Outdoor Education 12 Course Overview

Mr. Weichel
Contact and Availability
School hours until 4PM
Email: weichelj@wrca.bc.ca
Phone extension #142

Required Supplies
Writing utensils
Required Gear Items (list provided)

Perhaps you think the course is about climbing mountains, sleeping in a cold
tent, relaxing by campfires, or paddling through glassy waters. Its true we do
these things. But, this course is about using outdoor adventures and journeys to
facilitate an inward journey that will reveal aspects of who we are. Outdoor
education involves learning about the outdoors, learning in the outdoors and, most
importantly, learning from the outdoors. That last part is the important one. During
this course we will learn the knowledge and skills necessary to venture into the
backcountry (safely, of course); actually doing these things and being out there will
be a journey of the soul where we will reflect on our relationship with the Creator
God and the purpose He has designed for each one of us
Tentative Schedule
February 14: Snowshoeing at Hollyburn (Cypress Mountain Provincial Park)
February 26 March 1: Winter Camping at Manning Park
April: Class planned day-hike
Early May: Survival skills overnight camp (Sumas Mt.)
May 18-22: Kayaking trip in Desolation Sound (Powell River)
*The Course Schedule is subject to change for a variety of reasons safety
concerns, group needs, group interests, opportunities presented, and realities
encountered. The above schedule is presented as a guide for us. If this class is to
fully meet its mandate, our group will influence this schedule. I embrace the
potential for flexibility.
Course Subjects & Themes
Survival Skills
Winter travel

Gear Selection
Risk Assessment
Backcountry ethics

Kayaking skills

Emergency First Aid

Servant Leadership


Camping Skills
Trip planning
Stewardship and A
Rocha Partnership
Grade Partnerships

Students will frequently be given journal topics during classes and while out on
expeditions. Students are responsible for bringing their journal to every class and
keeping it in good condition (ie., waterproof) while on trips)
Skills and Participation
Skill development will operate throughout the year (the list is vast) and learned
skills will undergo a process of self, peer, and teacher assessment. Failure to
demonstrate adequate attention to skill development may result in a student not
participating in off campus activities.
Success depends on your participation. Whether you realize it or not, you are a
critical component of this program your success determines our success. Please
respect the privilege of participating in this program by taking the responsibility to
be a consistent, contributing member of this course.
Projects & Assignments
Outdoor Education is not a worksheet heavy course. However, there will be
assignments (they will be posted to the blog) for important subject material. There
will also be a variety of projects throughout the course. There is no final exam it is
replaced by a final project that will demonstrate your learning from throughout the
There will be occasional short quizzes on backcountry theory and other subject
matter as we progress through the course.
Other Courses:
As you are aware, you will miss other courses due to our activities. It is important
for us to ensure due diligence. My responsibility is to provide ample warning time
for you and your other teachers. Your responsibility is to complete the Missed Class
form 3 days before the missed class and to complete the missed work as needed.
Consent Forms
Various activities throughout the year will require the participants fill out parent
consent forms.
Medical Form
All participants are required to fill out the WRCA Outdoor Ed medical form. They will
also be required to submit a medical form for our kayaking guide outfit, Terracentric
(likely in April or May).
*Students will not be allowed to participate in off-campus activities if they
do not submit the required medical & consent forms*
The $500 course fee covers guiding services, fuel, and maintenance of school
equipment. This fee does not cover the cost of food for off-campus events. For trips,
students will be assigned groups that will work together to plan their meals and be

responsible for the costs. There are creative ways to meet the $500 course fee if
there are any questions regarding costs associated with the program, contact me
directly at the school or through email.
Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens
carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of
God. George Washington Carver

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