The Great Gatsby

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Istifou 1

Brian Istifou
Senior English
22 January 2015
Gatsby Color Analysis

The color yellow can mean many things to different people. In the Great Gatsby, Author
Scott Fitzgerald uses the color yellow to symbolize happiness from wealth turning to corruption
and falsity.

In the beggining, yellow resembles happiness and good fortune. An example is in the
valley of ashes, a very poor and gray city. As people pass by the gloomy town all notice is the
color yellow in the distance. Which brings a joyful view to the residence. A quote from the book
says, Yet high over the city our line of yellow windows must have contributed to . . . the casual
watcher in the darkening streets.

As well as happiness, yellow also means wealth. This represented Gatsby more than
anyone. With every party he held yellow was mentioned. An example is, The orchestra is
playing yellow cocktail. In the book, as this song played there was a joyful mood throughout
the house. Only the most rich and popular people were at attendence to his gatherings. From
Gatsbys house to his expensive yellow car everyone was aware of Gatsbys wealth. A quote
from the book says , Its a nice yellow car. and went into great detail of all its attachments.

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Yellow represents falsity and corruption by many of the characters in the Great Gatsby. It
is used to show that nothing is as it seems. Yellow is a symbol of corruption. Gatsbys car is the
car that killed Myrtle and was described as , a yellow car. The reason the color is mentioned
is to show the mistakes of Daisys actions. Instead of stopping to check on Myrtle she sped up
and didnt look back. Not only did Daisy make the mistake of not turning back to go check on
Myrtle, Gatsby took control of the car and drove as far away from the scene.

The color yellow has many unique meanings and can resemble many different things.
Author Scott Fitzgerald, writer of the Great Gatsby, used the color yellow to symbolize
happiness and wealth, but that slowly changed into corruption and falsity.

Work Cited
Fitzgerald, Scott. The Great Gatsby. Scribner April 10, 1925. Print

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