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Literature review is just a synthesis of our resources.


Thesis (our thesis which we state in our essay)

Two or more summaries connecting theme (thesis)
Discussion ( we should state that we found that does it support or is against
our point of view, discuss our thesis and what we took or used from these

We start the literature review by stating the thesis, connection or the pattern we
have been able to see or spot. It should be the thesis for our entire essay and then
is followed by a summary discussed in few 5-7 lines.
For example:
Thesis 2 little girls who get into trouble
1. In Goldilocks..
2. In little red riding hood.
In the summary we should mention the thesis of the author which could be different
than ours. We could be looking at just one aspect of the story. The thing is there
should be a transition linking the two of them. It should tell us where we are
moving. Then we
If we have compare and contrast then we should cluster the positive aspects and
make a summary of each. If not we should mention which side we want to talk
about and make a discussion about them. We must find the connection or are they
just disjointed then they would do us no good for our research. It should be an
objective summary.

Patternconnection between the sources we are reading. These are the Qs we

should keep in mind while reading. The ans. To these questions could help us find
our research question.

Do the sources agree or disagree on any points?

Does one source provide background for another?
Does one source provide an example for an ides discussed in another source?
Do any common ideas or viewpoints run through the sources?

Sometimes we could find some sort of a gap which could be our research Q. Our
hypothesis could be demolished during our research by doing interviews or surveys
and find out the complete opposite. Some hypothesis when researched are
answered they could be thesis. Do not think of manipulating the data. It just
expresses our efforts.

Sinful appeals to peoples emotions which could give us the idea that we are going
against our religion which is Saudis no. 1 fear

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