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1st Part
Call to prepare for the start of the program
Roll Call by year level
-Acknowledge the presence of Program Chair Sr. MARTHA GAMOLO,
DC faculty and staf
Dept Chair
-Welcome each others presence through shaking hands and saying
Im glad and happy to see you with a sweet smile.
-Say thank you.
(as they return to their respective places say any adliv about the
department in preparation for the formal start of the program)
1. Before anything else we should seek first a divine guidance and
the presence of God to this joyous event and so to formally start
our program I would like to request everyone to please stand as
Fr.___________________________ will lead the opening prayer.
2. You may now take your seat. Thank you Fr.____ for leading the
opening prayer.
3. Again good morning to all of us. To the the bm students,
teachers and to our department chair. (say something and
introduce yourself)
4. As we go on with our program may we call on our very own very
energetic, courteous, kind, obedient, faithful, thrifty, brave and
handsome to others,(boy scout law) haha SA bachelor of music
governor Paul Gayanilo for the opening remarks.
5. AVP presentation, 2nd year- 4th year.
6. Welcome speech to our new music program chair. Sr. MARTHA
7. Sister Martha Birthday Tribute
8. Intermission number faculty and students
Part two

Closing remarks
Closing prayer

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