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The In Sight Reaction Test is easy once you get the hang
of it. Heres the how to:


If playing non-military figures then each figure

takes the test.
If playing military figures then only the group
leaders take the test.
Start with 1d6 per point of Rep.
Modify this by any applicable circumstances.
Figures act from highest to lowest number of
successes scored.

Example White #1 fires at and misses Black A. His d6
is removed. Black A and White #3 are next to act based
on the successes they scored.

(Looking for successes)

A score of 1, 2, or 3 is a success

Active - Character is active and moved
Concealed - Enemy is concealed or in cover
Ducking Back - Figure is Ducking Back
Runaway - Character is Running Away


(1) Ducking Back or Running Away figure cannot fire and will
complete its reaction instead.

Example Black A fires and hits White #1. His d6 is

removed and damage rolled. White #1 is Obviously Dead.
White 3 fires and misses Black C. White 3 removes his
d6. It is now Black Cs time to act.

Example Heres an extended example of an In Sight.

There are two sides, Black and White. Each figure has
their In Sight action score, number of successes rolled,
placed next to them. White #1 will go first as he has
scored the most successes.
Example Black C now fires at White 3 and misses.
His d6 is removed. This leaves Black B and White #2
left to act.

2013 Ed Teixeira - Two Hour Wargames 5/3/2013

In Sight Example


Heres what the extended example was like in reality.
Three guys came into sight of three opponents. They all
started to shoot but some fired first and took down their
opponents. As the shooting continued one of the Black
faction ducked for cover while the other three continued
to fire.

Example - They fire at each other and remove their d6.

Black B misses White #2 but is hit and Obviously
Dead. All figures have acted and now its time to take
Reaction Tests.

Example The above picture shows what test are taken

by which figures and what their reactions are. All will
fire except for Black A who scored a Duck Back. Black
A is allowed to Duck Back before any firing takes

Example - Black C will fire back at White #3. The two

white figures fire at Black C. The firing is resolved

2013 Ed Teixeira - Two Hour Wargames 5/3/2013

In Sight Example

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