Film Influence For Thriller

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Film influence for thriller

Our thriller ideas were influenced by several films we as a group have

seen before. We got the start of our thriller idea from the film Annabelle.
This is because in the film Annabelle there is a scene in the film where
they explain about the girl Annabelle being in a cult and she sacrificed
herself. This is where we then came up with the idea to use a cult ritual
of our

characters sacrifices themselves to be with the one she is obsessing over.

We then came up with the idea of a stalker from past thrillers done by other
media students however there is a film called obsession which also had an
influence on our thriller. This is because in the film the women who are obsessed
with this man will do anything to be with him. This is where we thought we could
incorporate the sacrifice of the girl in our thriller to a stalking. We will do this by
making the girl in our thriller sacrifice herself to be with the one she is obsessing

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