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Jerry Ulesmann 1930s

Focal points
Ulesmann has cropped a females lips and placed it on the road,
the lips arent smiling, it is calm without any emotion. The lips on
the road is quite surreal, because you usually see the lips on a
human face. Also the texture of the lips and the road look the same,
as if the lips are blending in the road. The colour of the lips and the
road also look similar. I think the lips connote to a person and their
memories going down memory lane. The closed lips also connote
The location Ulesmann has used is a
the silence of the area, as if the area is secretive.
forest, but a pathway through the
forest. The area is rural and visually
minimal. It looks quite dark, eerie and
lonely. There isnt any sign of human
life. The black and white of the picture
make the overall picture look desolate.
He has focused on the simple and
natural aspects of life, there are deep,
black shadows and then there is light
shadows, maybe there is a contrast of
darkness and light, the light could
Ulesmann has used a
emphasize that there is hope in this
landscape view, the path
way isnt exactly in the

Strangely, there is some sort of bird

which looks like a crow. Uelsmann may
have accidently captured it in his
photograph, however I think it symbolizes
ancient wisdom. If a crow has appeared
for you, listen for the messages that

middle. Firstly the pathway

is wide, but as the pathway
goes further away, it
becomes narrow and small.
The white sky may
empathize that there is
hope, however as you go
further away the sky
reduces and there is a tiny
bit of white which may
empathize that there is
little hope. Also it reminds
me of the quote: Light at
the end of the tunnel. The
composition of this picture
is interesting, although it
isnt directly in the middle,
it still in sections, for
example; the sky, horizon,

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