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1. Which is NOT a feature of capitalism?

a. Free market operations b. maximization of profit
c. free labour d. dominance of public sector over private sector.
2. A clan is
a. A unilineal descent group b. a bilateral descent group c. a multilateral descent group
d. none
3. The method of comparing different societies or groups within the same society to show
whether and why they are similar or different in certain aspects is referred to as
a. Social survey b. observation c. comparative method d. none
4. A social relationship based on descent from a common ancestor is
a. a consanguineal relationship b. an affinial relationship c. either a or b d. none
5. A social relationship based on marriage is
a.A consanguineal relationship b. an affinial relationship c. either a or b d. none
6. Who said the purpose of sociology was to discover the nature, the natural causes and the
Natural laws of society ?
a. Emile Durkheim b. Max Webber c. August Comte d. Karl Marx
7. The most fundamental unit of human society is
a. individual b. family c. religion d. economy
8. Concept of white collar crime was given by
a. Merton b. Toynbee c. Sutherland d. backer
9. Polygyny is a form of marriage in which a
a. Women marries one man b. man marries one women
c. man marries a number of women d. women marries more than one man
10. An engineer is an example of
a. achieved status b. ascribed status c. role d. status
11. The Mandal commission was constituted under which article of the constitution?
a. Art 340 b. Art 335 c. Art 275 d. Art 164

12. who coined the term Harijan?

a. B.R.Ambedkar b. Mahatma Gandhi c.Periyar d. Baba Amte

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