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American Literature (1900-1945)

Lecture 7 Handout

Woodrow Wilson, Appeal for Neutrality, August 19, 1914; Peace without Victory Address,
January 22, 1917; Speech for Declaration of War against Germany, April 2, 1917. (Great Issues in
American History. From Reconstruction to the Present Day, 1864 1981. Eds. Richard Hofstadter
and Beatrice K. Hofstadter. New York: Vintage Books, 1982. 196, 198-199, 203);

Samuel Crowther, Arent We All Rich Now?, 1925 (Eds. Jack Lane and Maurice Sullivan. A
Twentieth Century American Reader, Vol. I. Washington: U.S Department of State, 1999. 233-235);

Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Final Statement, 1927 (Eds. Jack Lane and Maurice Sullivan. A Twentieth
Century American Reader, Vol. I. Washington: U.S Department of State, 1999. 283);

F. Scott Fitzgerald, Echoes of the Jazz Age, 1931. (Eds. Jack Lane and Maurice Sullivan. A
Twentieth Century American Reader, Vol. I. Washington: U.S Department of State, 1999. 257);

Alain Locke, The New Negro,1925 ( Eds. Jack Lane and Maurice Sullivan. A Twentieth Century
American Reader, Vol. I. Washington: U.S Department of State, 1999. 218-225);

Zora Neale Hurston, How It Feels to Be Colored Me, 1926 (Eds. Jack Lane and Maurice Sullivan.
A Twentieth Century American Reader, Vol. I. Washington: U.S Department of State, 1999. 242).

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