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Instruction Manual and Rule Book

Objective Finish the game with highest net worth (both shares + cash)
4 - 6 players
Start of Game
- At the start of the game, players will get to choose which sector their company is to
be in. Each player can will randomly select one sector and there shall not be any
overlap of sectors. If there are 4 players remove one, if 5 players, remove two
sectors. The deck on Mixed Sector shall not be removed.
These sectors are represented by their respective colour.
Black - Mixed Sector
Brown - Oil & Gas
Grey - Automotive
Orange - Financial Services
Yellow - Healthcare
Blue - Information Technology
Pink - Property
Every player would start off with 100%(20chips) of their companys share, each chip
comprises 5% of the company share.
20 - $1,000 notes
10 - $10,000 notes
5 - $20,000 notes
2 - $50,000 notes
and a flipboard(determine share prices) at the beginning of the game.
1 chip is 10,000 shares
Every sectors share price would start off with $2.00 at the start
In Game
Main objective of the game is to gain as much net worth as possible. However, each
player must remain the controlling shareholder of their own sector(>50% of shares)
and also to have at least $50,000(liquidity). Failure to do so will result in immediate
disqualification to the respective player.
Upon every roll of the Randomizer(bingo machine), a scenario will take place.
Sectors affected will be determined by the colour of the ball being rolled out by the
Randomizer. Whatever colour ball comes out, a card will be drawn to determine the
scenario. The colour of the card will be determined by the colour of the ball. These
scenarios will cause prices of shares to fall or increase. Flip the flipboard accordingly

to keep track of your companys own share price. Scenarios printed on black cards
will affect 2 sectors at the same time.
During market opening, buying of shares from a sector would be in a sychronised
Should a question ball roll out, the first player to ring the bell gets to answer. Every
question answered correctly will come with a reward of $10,000 from
everyone,wrong answer would result in a penalty - paying everyone $5,000.
After every 5 rolls of the Randomizer, the market opens. Trading can now take place.
Players can sell their own companys share if they think that their shares have a
higher chance of falling. Vice-versa, buying other shares if they see a potential.
However, Rule 14 applies, hence a player cannot buy who owns more than 30% of
another companys share can no longer purchase anymore shares from that
respective company(shares only sold in 5%).
Ending of Game
After 40 spins, the calculation of the total net worth will be taken place, both share
and cash. However, the last 5 spins, the market will be open for every spin. The one
with highest net worth will be the winner of the game.

Rule 14 applies, a player cannot buy who owns more than 30% of another
companys share can no longer purchase anymore shares from that
respective company(shares only sold in 5%).
Players should have more than 50% of their own company at every point of
the game. Failure to do so will result in an immediate elimination
Cash on each player cannot be below $50,000 as it will result in liquidity
problem. Selling of shares is compulsory in this case
Answering of question will result in a cash bonus of $10,000. However, a
wrong answer will mean a penalty of $5000
A reroll will be called upon should a sector be rolled out 3 times in a row
The player which got the previous answer for the question card is not able to
answer the following question
Whenever one player is eliminated (eg. share prices goes to zero, no liquidity
and has to force sell the shares, which cause the losing of his control of his
company) the chips of that respective sector will be voided.

Q: What is meant by net worth?
A: In this game, net worth is counted by adding the amount of cash on hand with the
total value of stocks (market share price x amount of shares).
Q: Am i able to buy/sell a stock below/above its market price when the market
A: Yes.
Q: When the market opens, can i choose to not sell my stock to an interested buyer?
A: Yes, both buyer and seller must agree on the price before a transaction can take
place. Just like in a takeover approach for public companies, it depends on the

directors of the sellers company. The directors might be hostile towards prospective
Q: What happens to the shares if one people loses?
A: The shares will go to the bank. Players can then buy it when the market opens.
Q: How does the purchasing of shares from the bank go about?
A: The bank will sell it at normal price.
Q: What if all the cards from a specific sector has already been flipped and the ball
representing the sector is being rolled out again in subsequent turns?
A: Re-shuffle the specific sector.
Q: When more than one company wants to buy another companys shares, a bidding
process would begin. The company offering with the highest price would be able to
buy the company shares, provided the seller is willing to sell.

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