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three friends felt very ill and decided to go to the doctor.

They are Kevin, Pepe and Lupe

Kevin: I feel really bad friends, I have a lot of headache and stomach.
Lupe: I just, I woke up with a sore throat and fever, maybe it was the food
yesterday, brother.
Pepe: for I what I feel is much back pain, as if a bone pain.
Kevin: I think we'd better go see the handsome, very handsome Dr. Moises
Pepe: Hello Doctor
Moises: Hey guys, what are we doing? They look terrible
Lupe: we are sick, very sick.
Kevin: So that we know what we have
Moises: Let's see, describanme symptoms.
Kevin: I have headache and stomach
Lupe: I have a sore throat and high fever.
Pepe: for I have back pain and bone pain
Kevin, Pepe and Lupe: what do we have doctor?
Moises: unfortunately it seems that you have the Ebola virus
Pepe: oh, we can die?
Moises: so guys. We are four days of life
Lupe: that's terrible, doctor
Moises: Just kidding, guys. They only have a strong stomach infection, take these
pills and get better soon.
Kevin: Oh doctor, had us scared. Thanks for everything.
Lupe: Thanks, doc.
Pepe: I do not like those jokes, I will acknowledge with ISSSTE, goodbye.

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