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Qin Shihuang:

The Life and

Legacy of Chinas
First Emperor

Eric Song
Junior Division

Individual Website
How I chose my topic:
I chose my topic because it was one of the suggested ones, and I am partly of
Chinese descent; therefore Qin Shihuang, Chinas first emperor, was one of the few
suggested topics that I found interesting.
How I conducted my research:
My research was taken through copious steps; I used many databases to search up
resources. My class went to William Patterson University and spoke to a professor
and librarian about research, suggested databases and how to research databases.
Also, two professors from Montclair State University, Dr. Wilson and Dr. Taylor, came
to our class and presented us with a project example as well as the essential project
points. They assisted us quite well.
How I selected my presentation category and created my project:
I selected a website presentation. I thought this the most prudent form because I
knew that I would most likely utilize videos, pictures, and/or slideshows, and this
would be the only presentation capable of showing these. Creating a website was an
interesting presentation form in itself and that made me strongly consider its usage,
which clearly won out.
My project was created through multiple steps; I began searching for an adequate
background image, an interesting video, and also made notecards using Those I then included in my website and it was just about
How this topic relates to the annual NHD theme:
Tis research topic relates quite strongly to the Leadership & Legacy theme. Qin
Shihuangdi was the first to unify China under his fierce leadership. He conquered his
rival states with his brutal army, and then set up regulations for the new nation that
he united. His legacy also remains unforgotten and unbroken in Chinese culture, so
widely known that even people such as us on the other half of the world know about
it. The way he ran government was both revered and emulated in his future that he
did not live to see because of his untimely death in 221 BC; at that time he was
buried in his equally well-known, humongous hybrid tomb/underground palace.

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