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E-Business Information Sharing Using Extranet

This product is a solution for all the difficulties that are facing by small
business organization when implementing a website for the manipulation of day to day
functions through the network. A company can sign up to the system by providing
sufficient information. For the registration purpose the BIS administrator verify the
details of the organization then determines whether to accept registration or cancel it. It is
for avoiding malpractices. If the information about the company satisfies the rules and
regulations of the BIS system, then the system provide a user id and password to the user.
If the user accepts the registration then only the company becomes the part of the small
business organization. Otherwise the registration will be cancelled .The system provide
security to companys information by proper authentication control. There are so many
packages .Each package has a number of services .A services charge can be rendered
according to the selection of these packages. If the registration is ok then the company
administrator can access the system by sign in to the system .He can manage and monitor
company profile , details of different departments ,details of department heads ,finance
function of the organization ,assigning duties to employees ,scheduling meetings,
generate reports etc.There are different departments like HR, Sales, Production, Purchase
and Finance. There is a department manager for each of this departments and the
company administrator provide access privilege to these middle level users. The middle
level managers can manage employees in his departments by scheduling jobs and
managing and monitoring activities of them. They can perform all the important functions
of the company by online. Since this product implements highest organizational
hierarchy, the user management will be very effective. This product generates a number
of reports that will help the organizational authority to properly plan their business
according to the experience.

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