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Elementary Art Curriculum Concepts


Explore and examine line, color, value, shape, texture, form and space
Explore and examine emphasis, balance, pattern and proportion
Draw with a variety of materials
Using a variety of painting tools and materials
Recognize art as being a visual record of humankind
Recognize the function of visual arts in the community

First Grade

Use lines in an artwork

Use and identify different shapes
Create and use color
Recognize texture
Recognize that shapes overlap to create distance
Demonstrate the ability to fill the page

Second Grade

Using different lines in an artwork

Identify differences in lines
Create artworks using colors
Identify different types of color combinations (warm & cool)
Identify basic shapes
Recognize patterns
Recognize and create textures
Add details and demonstrate the ability to fill the pages

Third Grade

Studying Art History from caveman to Medieval times

Identify and use the basic art elements
Create artworks using details
Recognize different artists styles
Working with SC symbols

Fourth Grade

Studying Art History from Medieval times to Impressionism

Designing with different types of lines
Drawing shapes to create forms
Creating art work with foreground, middle ground and background
Using art vocabulary to talk about art work

Fifth Grade

Study the following Famous Artists

Frank Lloyd Wright
Pablo Picasso
Vincent Van Gogh
Romare Bearden
Looking at Contemporary Art- Abstract vs Realism
Drawing using perspective techniques
Creating objects in 3D
Using all the elements of art in a composition

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