Heart Rate Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Name: Colleen Rittereiser

Mount Hebron Middle School

Title of Lesson: Heart Rate and Fitness

Class Time: 80 minutes
Target Audience: 6-8 Grade
Teaching Location: Gym
Numbers of students in class: 20-40 students
Goal of the Lesson: The Goal of the lesson is for students to demonstrate knowledge of heart rate and effects on the body during exercise.
Instructional Objectives: (Psychomotor, Cognitive, or Affective)
-Students will be able to perform various exercises in a fitness circuit.
-Students will be able to measure their heart rate.
-Students will be able to recognize changes in heart rate during exercise.
-Students will demonstrate understanding of how to measure heart rate and calculations of maximum heart rate and target heart rate zone.
-Students will follow directions and class rules.
Core Curriculum Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators:
2.6 Fitness All students will apply health-related and skill-related fitness concepts and skills to develop and maintain a healthy, active
A. Fitness and Physical Activity
Content Statement: Knowing and applying a variety of effective fitness principles over time enhances personal fitness level, performance,
and health status.
2.6.6.A.1Analyze the social. emotional, and health benefits of selected physical experiences.
2.6.6.A.2-Determine to what extent various activities improve skill related fitness versus health related fitness.
2.6.6.A.3-Develop and implement a fitness plan based on the assessment of ones personal fitness level, and monitor health/fitness indicators
before, during, and after the program.
Materials and Equipment List: 45 handouts for students, pencils, fitness station cones, fitness station signs, stopwatch, whistle, calculator
Lesson Plan Segments
Student Formations and
2 minutes
Squad spots for attendance
Assigned spots


- Knee hugs stretch
- Quad Stretches
- Monster Kicks
- Squats
- Side Lunges
- Arm Stretches
- Push ups
- Sit ups
- 20 Lats/20 Jacks
- Running (pony express or 7 min run)
Q:What is heart rate and how is it effected during exercises?
A: The rate at which the heart beats increases with exercise.

20 minutes

Q:What are some things that can affect your heart rate?
A: Activity level, medications, body size/composition, emotions.
Q What is cardiovascular fitness/ endurance
A: Your bodys ability to deliver blood to the working muscles
during physical activity.
*More efficient heart = lower heart rate.
Q: What is resting heart rate
A: Heart rate when youre at rest, not performing physical activity.
*Average range= 60-100
Q: What is BPM?
A: Beats per minutes
Q: What is maximum heart rate?
A: The highest heart rate an individual should reach without
putting their health or safety at risk.
Q: What is target heart rate zone?
A: The range at which an individual should attempt to be working
at during exercise.
*Between 50%- 85% of your maxHR

MaxHR= 220- your age
*13 years old = 207
* 14 years old = 206
THRZ= MaxHR x .50 - MaxHR x .85
13/14 years old 103-175
Q: How to find your heart rate?
A: Handout with have body where students can mark places to
measure heart rate.
*Radial, Carotid, Brachial, femoral, popliteal, temporal, see
diagram of others.
Explain how to take pulse at certain locations.
Using index finger and middle finger, dont press to hard.
Take for BPM- 30 seconds x 2
25 minutes

Have students take and record resting heart rate.
7 Fitness Stations:
-3-4 minutes per station
-Divide students into groups of 5-6 and assign which station to
begin at.
- Students will begin station exercise and perform for 1 minute
-Following exercise students will take heart rate and record for
that station.
- Rotate stations, new exercise for 1 minute, record heart rate
Station 1
Inchworms/Walk outs- Flexibility
Feet stationary- walk hands out into plank position-walk back in to
standing position-repeat for 1 minute

Station 2
Jump rope-Cardio
Students will jump rope forward or backwards on two feet as fast
as they can
Station 3
Sit ups- Muscular endurance
Students will be on their backs with knees bent and keep arms by
waist side/ lift shoulder off floor.
Station 4
Jumping Jacks- Cardio
Students will step onto bleachers
Station 5
Wall Sits- muscular endurance
Students will face away from the bleachers with hands on the
bleachers and dip down while keeping legs extend and locked.
Station 6
Step ups- Cardio
Students will jump while extending arms and legs at the same time
out and in.
Station 7
Bleacher dips- muscular endurance
Students will hold a sitting position against the wall for 1 minute
4 minutes

Lesson Closure
Question and Answer
Q: Which stations increased heart rate the most?
A: Cardio stations- jump rope, jumping jacks, step ups
Q: Which station lowered heart rate?
A: flexibility and muscular end. Stations- inchworms, wall sits,
bleacher dips, sit ups
Q: Did you reach your target heart rate zone?
Q: What exercise increased HR the most?
Teacher Reflection:
-Did the students gain better understanding of how to measure heart rate and how exercise effects heart rate?
-Was the content challenging enough or too challenging?

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