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What I Want To Be When I

Grow Up: Marine Biologist

By: Nikki Davis

What is a Marine Biologist?

biology is the
study of
plants and
animals that
live in salt

What They Do:

Marine Biologists study organisms
as small as plankton that are you
can only see under a microscope to
the largest whales that are over 100
feet long.
They study the behavior of the
animals and the interactions
between organisms.
They also study migration patterns.
They study the photosynthesis of
underwater plants and ways to
protect the coral reefs.

Where Do They Work?

Marine Biologists can
work in many places.
They can work out in
the field either scuba
diving or on a boat.
They also work in labs
and in aquariums.

Why Are They Needed?

Marine Biologists are needed
because many species could
become endangered or go
extinct without the work that
they do.
Marine Biologists also help with
oil spills; which endangers all
life in the ocean.
They can help repopulate the
threatened and endangered

What Degree Do You Need?

You should have a
minimum of a Bachelors
degree in Biology or marine
You can also get a Masters
or PhD, which are needed
for advanced research and
teaching careers.
It can take between 4-10
years to get a degree
depending on if you want a
Bachelors, Masters or PhD.

What Is The Salary?

The salary for a
marine biologist
ranges from $35,000
- $110,000 per year,
depending on what
degree you have
and what line of
work you go into.

Why Do I Want To Be A Marine Biologist?

I want to be a Marine
Biologist because I want
to help the sea life and
be able to work with
marine animals.
I also really like science
and school!

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