Class Expectations 2

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Course Expectations

Gender Studies
Course Content: This course is an introduction to basic concepts of the study of gender in America.
We will examine psychological research and theory related to gender, with a particular focus on the
ways in which gender impacts people's day-to-day lives. Units of study will include The Biology of
Gender, Gender Roles in History and Contemporary Society, Gender Socialization, Gender
Communication, The Representation of Men and Women in the Media, and Gender in Education. The
course is primarily discussion-based, drawing upon an extensive reading list. It will also include film
and television analysis activities as well as internet research projects.
Course Requirements: Throughout the duration of this course, students will be expected to be
attentive, active participants in class discussions, group projects, debates, etc. In addition, students
will be required to write and take notes daily. Students are required to come to class with all
necessary materials each day (pencil/pen, books, homework).
Homework: Students will be assigned homework on a regular basis. Unless otherwise specified,
assignments are due at the beginning of class. Late assignments will not be accepted. In the
event of an absence, students will be given two days to make up work for every one day of absence.
It is the students responsibility to obtain the missed assignments. Long term assignments and group
assignments must be turned in on the due date whether or not the student is in class on that day.
Grading System: Assignment and assessment point totals will vary depending on difficulty and the
amount of preparation required. Daily assignments will typically be worth 15 points and will be scored
based on answer correctness and completeness. Assessment point totals will vary. Grades will be
updated on PowerSchool regularly and students should check their grades often. In computing
semester grades, 50% of the grade will be in-class and homework assignments and 50% will based on
assessments such as quizzes, tests, essays, and projects. This grade will represent 80% of the final
semester grade. The remaining 20% will be the final exam grade. The grading scale is as follows:


Attendance: Regular attendance is critical to the learning process. Students are expected to attend
class daily. Seven or more absences may result in loss of credit. (See Attendance Policy in Student
Handbook) In addition, tardiness will not be tolerated. Each tardy beyond the first will earn the
student a detention.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read the class expectations for Gender Studies.
Parent/Guardian Signature


Student Signature


Students Name:_____________________________________________________

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