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Datum: 2013-03-04
Subject: Recommendation for KATARINA TRANGAROV
To whom it may concern,
I have met miss trangarov during my classes in subjects of Communicology and
Psychology in Management, from October 2008 to January 2011, at the Faculty of Technical
Sciences, University of Novi Sad. During that period she regularly attended the classes I have held
and she has expressed above-average interest in subjects that were covered. She passed the final
exams with the highest marks.
Miss trangarov was in top 5% of my students in her generation, showing great initiative in
class work. She was joining the class debates and led the team work with her classmates in every
situation. She was very curious to find out more about the communication principles, and was
applying her knowledge in the classes more than the most of the students. She was proactive in her
approach and she showed great innitiatives.
Miss trangarov has a warm personality and she directly approaches other people, being a
good partner for both student projects and job assigments. Her communication skills are above
average: she is assertive in her approach, also being able to be an active listener.
On the basis of what was previously said, I warmly recommend miss KATARINA
TRANGAROV for any graduate programs / trainings / entry level jobs she may apply for.

Petar Vrgovi, PhD
Assistant professor, +381214852155

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