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The Interactive Oral presented to us recently has increased my appreciation for

the cultural significance of the novel, by encouraging me to recognise the sociopolitical commentary on the blood feuds featured in Ismail Kadare's novel,
Broken April.

By participating in a simulation of the blood feud where the conflicts of two

families are explored through a role play, I was given a hands-on opportunity to
consolidate my overall understanding of the Kanun's systems. After being given
a detailed run down of the Kanun's governing structure, I began to see how the
four pillars of the Kanun provide a reflection on the traditional values of the
community, of which appear to revolve around Honour, Hospitality, Right
Conduct and Kin Loyalty.
Similarly, the book series in the Kanun detail the role of twelve fundamental
elements upon which the governing system is built, specifically the role and the
cultural norms that revolve around Family, Crime, Honour etc. Further, having
this growth of knowledge, I feel that I can now view the system through a more
mature and informed perspective.

Moreover, a newly developed understanding of Albania's history of political

dissonance has helped me to explore how the various external and internal
political influences have impacted on the development of the community's
government. Specifically, I now hold a new understanding of how the fall of
communism helped to provide a basis for the re-establishment of the ancient
laws of the Kanun in rural Albanian regions. A comparison between Hoxhas
regime and the existentialist philosophy has helped me to reflect on the cultural
relativity of Kadares descriptions, encouraging me to delve deeper into the
novels critique of communism.

The group also presented a developed insight into the characters Bessian, Diana
and Gjorg's, prompting me to examine the parallels that appear to exist between
the honeymoon of Bessian and Diana, alongside George's journey during his 30day Bessa. The quiz we were asked to participate in prompted a group discussion
of where we thought each of the characters stood with regards to the politics of
the Kanun. We were then prompted to discuss what literary devices Kadare
utilised in order to facilitate this understanding. Furthermore, the interactive oral
on Kadare's novel, has helped to complete my understanding of the novel, by
encouraging me to look deeper into the political ideology of this community.

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