Leadership and Organizational Behaviour: Personality Analysis

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e-mail id- nike_lahoti@rediffmail.com

Nitin Lahoti

1. Introduction.--------------------------------------------------------------------------3

• Background-------------------------------------------------------------------3

• Purpose------------------------------------------------------------------------3

• Scope--------------------------------------------------------------------------3

• Methodology------------------------------------------------------------------3

1. Executive Summary------------------------------------------------------------------4

2. Literature Review---------------------------------------------------------------------4

3. About The Industry Sector-----------------------------------------------------------5

4. About The Personality-----------------------------------------------------------------5

5. Analysis and Justification-------------------------------------------------------------6

6. Conclusion------------------------------------------------------------------------------7

7. Recommendations----------------------------------------------------------------------7

9. Bibliography and Reference List-----------------------------------------------------8


We remember some persons in our life because they have some appeal in their character.
We remember a person’s behavior or attitude and label that this person has good personality. As
part of my academic study I got a chance to analyze a successful personality. I have chosen
Narayana Murthy and analyze his personality on different criteria.


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Nitin Lahoti

This report will tell about different aspect of Narayana Murthy’s personality as well as
his attitude, behavior and value system too.


My personal intention and eagerness for doing this assignment is to make myself
understand the term personality, how personality affects behavior and what qualities of Narayana
Murthy made him successful.

3] SCOPE:-

In this report everything is concerned with the personality, behavior, attitude, and value
system of Mr. Narayana Murthy and also how he makes Infosys count in Top IT Company.


In describing personality usually we should prefer secondary data i.e. print and digital media,
online resources; this is because an individual’s personality will reflect in his interviews,
speeches and his decisions. To analyze personality, a person should read books which are written
on that personality or which are written by that person. Journal and magazine with specific and
relevant article which provide us appropriate information given prioritize. Online resources can
also be valuable only if we are passing through authorized websites. Also we should have some
knowledge about how to describe and analyze personality. I used The Big Five Model to
understand and describe Mr. Murthy’s personality.


Personality of a person contains his behavior, attitude, value system; his mentality and his
decision making process. Mr. Murthy’s personality is enclosing all the essentials contents to
become successful. I analyzed his personality according to The Big Five Model. All the way
through this obligation I describe Mr. Murthy’s personality and find out to become successful in
life a person should hard work and big dreamer. He is focused to his work whether that is
professional, personal or social.

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Nitin Lahoti


Personality is the figure overall of ways by which a human being respond and
intermingle with others(Robbins, 2009). A person’s personality is completely inspired by its
surroundings and social environment which is given by person’s parents, relatives and friends
and his behavior is reflection of that environment. On the other hand personality is also affected
by person’s emotional experiences(B¨ockenholt, 2001).

Now a day’s personality analysis is done by MNC’s to analyze employees adoptability to

act in groups and other countries. By doing analyze of their personality they came to know about
their behavior and attitude and they can judge that a person is suitable for which job(Huang,

Analysis of a personality can be done by two methods which are Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator (MBTI) and The Big Five Model. To describe an individual’s qualities The Big Five
Model is proper(Luthans, 2005).

After analyzing the personality we came to know about that person’s different aspect as
like his risk taking ability, leadership ability etc. We can say that a person can be good
entrepreneur if his key traits are risk taking, creativity, leadership, and motivation etc. only after
evaluating his personality(Chauvin, 2005).


Narayana Murthy’s Infosys technology limited was an IT company established in 1981.

After the liberalization process (1991-92) in Indian economy; I.T. industry developed at an
extraordinary and incomparable growth rate of over 50% till 1998(, 1998). This sector was worth
of $12.6 billion in year 2003 and that was 3.5% of global IT and these figures are enough to say
about this industry(radhakrishna, 2004).


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Nitin Lahoti

I have selected Mr. N.R. NARAYANA MURTHY as a person to understand and analyze
the different elevations of his personality. He is the Non Executive chairman and Chief Mentor
of Infosys Technologies Limited.

Mr. Murthy was born in Karnataka on 20 August 1946. He has 8 brothers and sister and
he was from an average middle class family(Murthy, 2009).

Murthy has completed his B.E. from University of Mysore in 1967 and M. Tech from IIT
Kanpur in 1969. He selected computers and IT as a career prospect and worked in computer
departments of IIM Ahmadabad, SESA in Paris. After getting work experience in European
country he moved back to India in 1974. In India he worked with Patni Computer System in

In 1981 he with six others decided to start Infosys Tech, Ltd. Mr. Murthy with his hard
work took Infosys in the list of successful IT companies of India. In 1995 Infosys bring its IPO;
in 1996 it started its first office in Europe at Milton Keynes, UK. It was the first Indian company
to become listed in NASDAQ; it was the milestone in the way of Infosys’s success story. In the
2002 Infosys was selected as the “The India’s Most Respected Company” by The Business
World’s survey. In 2006 Murthy resigned as chairman of Infosys(, 2000).

He got many honors and awards. Some of them are-

• In 2000 Asiaweek magazine counted him in 50 most powerful person’s of Asia.

• TIME/CNN featured him as 25 Most Influential Global Executive in 2001.
• He received Indo-French Forum Model in as well as The World Entrepreneur of the Year
by Ernst and Young in 2001(, 07).
• He was declared as the Most Powerful CEOs of India for year 2004 and 2005 by The
Economic Times().

He also establishes Infosys Foundation in 1996 to work for the welfare of poor’s and giving
them proper resources to develop(DATTA, 2007).


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Nitin Lahoti

There are two models to analyze and justify an individual’s personality. From them The Big
Five Personality Model is appropriate to describe Mr. Narayana Murthy’s personality so we will
use this model(Robbins, 2009). According to this model-

1. EXTRAVERSION – Murthy is very friendly and socialite person(, 2000). He always

raises his voice for social issues in India as election, poverty, unemployment etc. He is
also a part of various education institutes of India as well as of foreign countries.
2. AGREEABLENESS – Undoubtedly Murthy is a person who is good natured and
cooperative because he manages to make Infosys a successful company through the
proper understanding with other founders of Infosys(Murthy, 2009).
3. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS - Narayana Murthy is a person who already set his targets,
goals and worked with other in organized and accurate way to get his destination. He is
honest because he handles to work in a group for a long time without any
controversy(Murthy, 2009).
4. EMOTIONAL STABILITY – He is emotionally very stable person and do not show
his emotions to others.
5. OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE – Narayana Murthy is a person who is eager to
increase his knowledge as we can understand that in 1970s computer field was new and
not a secure one but he choose that because of his tendency to amplify the understanding.
(Murthy, 2009).

Attitude of a person’s can be identified by evaluating his performance, job satisfaction and
job involvement. Murthy’s attitude was like he had both job involvement and satisfaction. We
can understand his job involvement that in 1990 five of the founders of Infosys decided to sell
Infosys but Murthy refused and offered them that he will buy Infosys(, 2007). Working in same
organization for more than 25 years implies your job satisfaction.

A person’s Values shape that person’s behavior and attitude. We know that the attitude of
Mr. Murthy was decent so his values should be also high. Narayana Murthy was a hard worker,
honest, socially aware, visionary, loyalty to organization kind of person who believes in his
growth in company’s growth(Murthy, 2009).

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Nitin Lahoti


After analyzing Narayana Murthy’s personality, values and attitude I came to know that a
person can became successful only if he has good personality, value and attitude. Narayana
Murthy is a person who took risk, did hard work, being patient for results, and cooperative; these
qualities of his personality made him successful.


Analyzing a personality can be a very interesting as well as very challenging job at the
same time. To analyze personality a person should not have any perception or
anticipation and he should study proper about that person’s personal and corporate life to
find out different aspect of that person.

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Nitin Lahoti


B¨ockenholt, U. (2001). Analysing state dependences in emotional. Journal of the Royal

Statistical Society.

Chauvin, B., Hermand, D., & Mullet, E. (2005). Risk Perception and Personality Facets. Risk
Analysis : An International Journal .

Daft, R. L. (2004). Organization Theory and Design. Ohio: Melissa Acunna.

DATTA, N. (2007, 11 17). The Contenders. Oulook Business .

Huang, T. J., Chi, S. C., & Lawler, J. J. (2005). The relationship between expatriates’ personality
traits and their adjustment to international assignments. International Journal of Human
Resource Management 16:9 .

Luthans, F. (2005). Organizational Behaviour. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Murthy, N. (2009). A Better India:A Better World. Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd., 11,
Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi.

Murthy, N. (1998, 06 26). Business Week International(Asia) Edition.

Murthy, N. (2009). LEARNING FROM THE WEST. Lal Bahadhur Shastry Institute of
Management. New Delhi.

N R NARAYANA MURTHY. (n.d.). Retrieved 08 28, 2009, from lifestyle.headlinesindia.com:



08 28, 2009, from redhotcurry.com:

Radhakrishna, n. (2004, 05 19). The Case of India and Infosys. IIPI Conference on: Strategies
for Building Software Industries in Developing Countries . Hawaii, U.S.A.

Rauch, A., & Frese, M. (2007). Let’s put the person back into entrepreneurship research.

Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A., & Sanghi, S. (2009). Organizational Behaviour. Chennai: Dorling
Kindersley (india) Pvt. Ltd.,.

Values First. (2000). Retrieved 08 28, 2009, from india-seminar.com: http://www.india-


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