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What is inclusive growth all about?

Inclusive growth focuses on economic growth which h is necessary and crucial condition for
poverty reduction.
Inclusive growth adopts a long-term perspective and is concerned with sustained growth. The
definition of inclusive growth implies a direct link between the micro and macro determinants.
Micro dimensions include structural transformation of society and micro dimension include
countrys GDP and GNP. . For growth to be sustained in long-run it should be broad based across
sectors. Issues of structural transformation for economic diversification therefore take a front
stage. It should be inclusive of large pat of the countrys labour force, where inclusiveness refers
to equality of opportunity in terms of access of markets, resources and unbiased regulatory
environment for business and individuals.
Inclusive Growth focuses on both pace and pattern of growth. Inclusive growth strategies must be
tailored to country-specific circumstances.
Inclusive growth focuses on productivity growth.
Inclusive growth has subject analysis.
Inclusive growth present with absolute definition of pro-poor, not a relative one.
It decreases the rapid growth rate of poverty in a country and increases the involvement of people
into the growth process of the country.

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