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2015 KCMS Key Academic Vocabulary Terms

Name _____________________________

Date ___________________

Word List (M=Math) (S=Science) (E=English)

Analysis (E)
Analyze (M)
Attributes (M)
Central Idea (E)
Citation (E)
Claim (E)
Classify (M)
Conflict (E)
Congruence (M)
Connotative (E)

Data (S)
Denotative (E)
Determine (S)
Evaluate (E)
Evaluate (M)
Evidence (E)
Evidence (S)
Function (M)
Function (S)
Hypothesis/Claim (S)

Match each definition with a word.

1. To shorten meaning and put something in your
own words

Inference (E)
Inference (M)
Interpret (M)
Intervals (M)
Investigate (M)
Magnitude (S)
Objective (E)
Observation (S)
Outcome (S)
Paraphrase (E)

Point of View (E)

Prediction (S)
Rubric (E)
Structure (S)
Thesis (E)
Topic Sentence (E)
Topic/Subject (E)
Transformations (M)
Transitions (E)

2. Words and phrases (such as "lastly", "in the

previous chapter") that connect ideas throughout
a text.

3. to make a decision after careful consideration

4. to examine carefully and in detail so as to identify

causes, key factors, possible results, etc.

5. To develop deeper meaning by making logical
conclusions based on information/facts

6. to find necessary information to solve a problem


7. The perspective the story is told from (firstperson, third-person)
9. The suggested meaning of a word (positive,
negative, neutral)

8. A method of grading where criteria for success is

outlined and your score is given in categories
10. What is between two points or values.
A line with definite end points (called a "Line
A definite length of time marked by a start and
The numbers between two specific values.

11. to perform a specified action or activity; work;


12. The main issue being discussed


13. to look at (two or more things) closely in order
to see what is similar or different about them

14. to come to a conclusion after reasoning,

observation, etc.

15. to explain the meaning of (something)
17. To look very closely at to gain deeper meaning

16. greatness of size or amount

18. the act or process of reaching a conclusion about
something from known facts or evidence (noun)

19. Having an opinion that is not clouded or
affected by personal feelings or ideas
21. to arrange (people or things) into groups based
on ways that they are alike

20. something that is learned in the course of

careful attention to details related to your study
22. To state a belief that is unsupported by proof

23. a. A value that is already "built in" to a function. 24. This sentence controls your paragraph, keeps
b. Example: in the function h(year) = 20 year
your paragraph focused.
"year" is a variable and "20" is a parameter.
25. a conclusion reached through a process of
logical thinking.

26. to simplify a mathematical problem


27. Changing a shape using
Slide, or

28. The key idea an author intended you to take


29. Giving credit to an author for where information 30. Proof/support that something is valid (true)
comes from (either in text or in a works cited
31. that which tends to prove or disprove
something; ground for belief; proof

32. an "educated guess," formed as a statement that

you propose to be the answer to the research
question, can be tested by further observation,
investigation and or experimentation.
A hypothesis should always make a claim about
your topic.

33. Your response to a prompt, your controlling

idea on the topic- this controls your entire

34. In mathematics, the attribute is a characteristic

to describe an object usually within a pattern.
The attribute usually refers to the shape, size, or

35. The same shape and size.
Two shapes are congruent when you can Turn,
Flip and/or Slide one so it fits exactly on the
In this example the shapes are congruent (you
only need to flip one over and move it a little)

36. individual facts, statistics, or items of

These _________ represent the results of our

37. The dictionary definition of a word

38. a rigorous, often quantitative, statement,

forecasting what will happen under specific

39. The issue or problem in a story or text


40. Mathematical sentences that have an = sign

(such as 8 + 3 = 11 or 2x 3 = 7)
A mathematical phrase

41. a special relationship between values: Each of its 42. refers to how the information within a written
input values gives back exactly one output value.
text is organized. This strategy helps students
It is often written as "f(x)" where x is the value
understand that a text might present a main
you give it.
idea and details; a cause and then its effects;
and/or different views of a topic

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