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We, the civil society of Lanao, who have committed our passion for peace and
development, commiserate with families of the elite police forces who
unfortunately died at Mamasapano, Maguindanao during the course of serving a
warrant of arrest to two alleged suspected terror group members;
We likewise empathize with the families of the members of the Moro Islamic
Liberation Front (MILF) who died during the encounter at the same zone;
We express our grief and sympathy for the survivors of this tragedy which could
have been avoided if only appropriate coordination and communication were
channeled within the joint security mechanism as stated within the GPH and
MILFs Peace Agreement;
We are saddened on the entailing effects of this violence to civilian communities
who have long suffered the cycle of dehumanizing effects of perpetual
displacement and insecurity -- specially the aged, children and women in
marginalized circumstance;
We note that this tragedy happened too at a political climate when anti-corruption
investigation at the legislative body heightened thus, causing turmoil amongst
legislators who earlier professed commitment for national peace and for the
eradication of this culture of corruption. We are sad when some changed hearts
after seeing this heartbreaking violence;
We call for an impartial, collaborative, cooperative and inclusive investigation of
the incident by the International Monitoring Team (IMT), the Coordinating
Committee on the Cessation of Hostilities (CCCH) of both panels, the Adhoc Joint
Action Group (AHJAG), human rights groups, and community traditional leaders
to prevent the escalation of conflict and to provide policy recommendations that
will improve the coordination mechanism, especially when serving warrant of
arrest to suspected member of alleged terror group within the vicinity where there
are presence of MILF, MNLF and BIFF;
We ask both GPH and MILF Peace Panels to convene this investigation team and
ensure inclusive stakeholders participation for peace in Maguindanao-- including
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the traditional and interfaith leaders at the grassroots, to acknowledge their roles in
building a community of peace and help discourage the entry of any terrorist in
We reiterate our call for sobriety, especially for our policymakers, pleading and
imploring kind-hearts not to derail nor halt the legislative hearing on Bangsamoro
Basic Law (BBL) and to pro-actively pursue the Road Map for Peace in Mindanao
as the paramount agenda of our national government;
We ask media workers in the Philippines to practice peace journalism; stop further
brewing violence and hatred amongst populace and instead help lessen dissension,
prejudices, and discrimination against Muslim brethren;
We discourage disinformation and lack of self-restraint in posting and commenting
from uninformed positions in social media;
We affirm our commitment, collaboration, and cooperation for peace in Mindanao
and vowed not to be blinded by anger, trauma and pain to ensure that we attain the
desired outcome of the peace process between the Government and the Moro
Islamic Liberation Front (MILF);
We place a high value on the sacredness of life and pray for mercy and compassion
to sustain these peace processes for social justice and total conflict transformation.

Balay Integrated Rehabilitation Center for Total Human Development Inc.

Local Monitoring Team in Lanao del Norte Area- GPH-MILF NGO
Interfaith Council for Peace in Mindanao
Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute
Lanao Alliance of Human Rights Advocates
Civil Society Organizations in Lanao del Norte Partnership for Peace and
Development Inc.
Pasaka Inc.
Bantay Kalilintad
United Religions Initiative-South East Asia and the Pacific
Jesuit Refugee Service Philippines
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Pailig Academy for Grassroots Democracy

Kauswagan Ulama Forum
Ranao Disaster Response and Rehabilitation Assistance Center
MSU-Institute for Peace and Development (Marawi)
Ranaw Muslim-Christian Dialogue for Peace (Marawi)
Social Initiative for Advancement and Peace (Lanao del Sur)
Panday Kalinaw &
Lanao Peace Partnership composed of
Pailig Development Foundation Inc.,
Kapamagogopa Inc.,
MSU-IIT Institute for Peace and Development in Mindanao,
Ecosystems Work for Essential Benefits Inc.,
Civil Society Organization Forum for Peace Inc.

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