Animals in Danger1

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Animals in danger

The Koala is a small mammal

that lives in Australia. Koalas spend
most of their time in eucalyptus trees.
These animals spend 18 to 20 hours
each day resting and sleeping; they
spend much of the night eating. They
are aggressive animals.
The koala is about 0.6-0.9 meters
long, weighing 4.5-13.5 kg. The soft,
woolly fur is light-gray to brown, and it
has patches of white on the chest,
neck. and ears. This fur protects them
from cold weather and rain.
The koalas eat mostly eucalyptus
(gum tree), chewing these tough leaves
using their powerful jaws.

Zebras are large, fast-running mammals that

live in Africa. They can run up to 40 mph . The
zebras live approximately 28 years. Zebras are
closely related to horses and donkeys.
Zebras live in large family groups which are
led by females
Zebra fur has distinctive white stripes on a
black background. No two zebras have the
same pattern. These stripes may help to
confuse predators chasing the zebra. They are
over 1.2 metres tall and weigh over 270 kg.
They have large eyes and ears help the zebra
detect predators early, allowing it to run away.
Zebras eat grasses. They need to drink water
often and usually stay close to water basins.

The bald eagle is a bird that lives North America.

This majestic eagle is not really bald; white feathers cover
its head. The bald eagle has been the national symbol of
the USA since 1782. The bald eagle lives near rivers and
large lakes, as it catches most of its food in the water.
Eagles are meat-eaters and hunt during the day .
They eat mostly fish. They also hunt small mammals,
snakes, and other birds.
Bald eagles have white feathers on their head, tail,
and wing tips; the body has brown feathers. Eagles have
about 7,000 feathers.

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