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Human Biology

Chapter 1- What is Life?

Characteristics of Life Respond to external stimuli
Alter the environment
Sense the environment
Adapt to the environment
Use energy
Contain materials found only in living organisms
Maintain homeostasis (a constant internal environment)
Have a high degree of organization
Living Organisms Have a High Degree of Organization Cells smallest unit of life, contained in a membrane or cell wall muscle cells
Tissue a group of cells with a similar function muscle
Organ structure composed of more than one tissue having one or more specific
functions heart
Organ systems a group of organs that perform a broad biological function
cardiovascular system
Organism one living individual Human
Homeo = unchanging
stasis = standing
Hierarchy of Organization of Life Living Things Must Maintain Homeostasis-

Human Biology

Living Things Must Maintain Homeostasis Homeo = unchanging

stasis = standing
o therefore, homeostasis means staying the same
Humans function properly only within narrow ranges of temperature and chemistry
Homeostasis is controlled by both conscious and unconscious responses for example,
humans maintain body warmth by unconscious blood vessel constriction and by
consciously selecting appropriate clothing

Negative and Positive Feedback Systems Homeostasis helps an organism stay alive through the use of feedback systems
A feedback system requires three components
o Stimulus receptor monitors the environment and reports changes
o Control center registers the signal from the stimulus receptor and formulates a
o An effector carries out the response
Negative feedback systems operate to reduce or eliminate the changes detected by the
stimulus receptor
Feedback Loop Human-

Human Biology

Human Biology is Structured and Logical The natural world seems overwhelming and chaotic until we organize it
Biology is organized into steps from micro to macro
Artificial classification (aka, Taxonomy) uses a system of names to identify organisms
and show their relationships
Natural organization is a system based on increasing complexity (atoms, molecules, cells,
tissues, organs, organ systems, organism)
Hierarchy of Life beyond the IndividualA. Individual
B. Human Population- populations are comprised of individuals
C. Biological Community- Human populations live in concert with populations of other
organisms, interacting in a larger concept called the community
D. Ecosystem- communities are united in geographic areas. Interacting with one another and
the physical environment in a biome. The earth has many biomes, such as open ocean,
high sierra, desert, and tropical rain forest.
Biological Classification is Logical
Taxonomy is a branch of science which classifies organisms into groups with similar
Taxonomy identifies 3 Domains
o Eubacteria
o Archaebacteria
o Eukarya
and 6 Kingdoms
o Arcahaebacteria
o Eubacteria
o Protista
o Fungi
o Plantae
o Animalia
Domains and Kingdoms-

Human Biology

A Hierarchy of Similarity Each category defines organisms more tightly, thus resulting in a
hierarchy of similarity
*species implies reproductive isolation
Human Taxonomy Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Vertebrata
Class Mammalia
Order Primates
Family Hominidae
Genus Homo
species sapiens
Human TaxonomyWays of Knowing About Life Direct personal experience
Magic, superstition
Education, training
Custom, culture, socialization
Scientific method, empiricism
Scientists Approach Questions Using the Scientific Method The overall goals of science are to provide sound theories regarding the phenomena we
observe, using rules embodied by the scientific method

Human Biology

The scientific method follows a logical path to an answer with a main goal of proving the
hypothesis wrong

The Scientific Method Observation, experimentation, and analysis ] the basis for scientific reasoning
Variables factors that can be changed in an experiment to test whether and how it
affects the outcome
It is imperative that data, experiments, and claims are critically analyzed before they are
accepted (= statistical analysis!)
Statistical significance an experimental result that would occur by chance in less than 1
experiment in 20 (the accepted level in modern science)
Critical Reasoning Inductive reasoning creating a general statement from observations (hypothesis
Deductive reasoning creating a general hypothesis to a specific situation (experimental
Theories Once a hypothesis has survived rigorous testing without being disproved it is considered
a theory
A theory is a general uniting principle of science, upheld by observation and many
experiments (= PARADIGM)
How Theories Change-

Human Biology

Science Science is a dynamic, ever-changing collection of ideas about the natural world

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