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The Wizard of Oz X9kMt4LAqKVhR6WBLmZo0Q9790px06w
SONG 1: Sings Somewhere over the Rainbow.
Somewhere, over the rainbow, Way up high.
Theres a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies and blue
And the dreams that you dare of Dream really do come true
Someday I'll wish upon a star Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me
somewhere, over the rainbow, bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow, why then, oh, why cant I?
If happy little bluebirds fly, beyond the rainbow,
Why, oh, why oh why cant I?
Scene 1
[ A bare stage with a fence in the background and a farm and small housr can be
seen. Uncle Henry, Aunt Em, Dorothy and Toto are on stage. Uncle Henry is looking
at the skies while Aunt Em is ploughing and Doroth plays with Toto.]
Uncle Henry Theres a cyclone coming, Em. Ill look after the stock. [exits stage]
Aunt Em Quick Dorothy, run for the cellar!
[Dorothy leaves Toto behind and runs after Aunt Em off stage, and then just before
exiting stage, runs back on stage and grabs Toto. Fade out while sound cue of a
storm plays and Dorothy is seen running towards the house.]
Dorothy Come on Toto! We dont want to stuck in the cyclone
CUE: Twister sound cue
Scene 2: Munchkin Land
[The fence is removed, the house now lies lopsidedly on a pair of legs sticking out
from Underneath with ruby red shoes on the feet. A long yellow tail leads across the
stage from one exit to other. Lights slowly come on stage as Dorothy and Toto come
on stage from whenever the house is closest or, ideally, from the house itself As
she enters, a group of Munchkins approach her from the opposite side of a stage.]

Munchkin 1: Did you see what happened?

Munchkin 2: Is that the wicked witch underneath that pile of wood

Munchkin 3: can someone please explain what is going on?

Munchkin 4: That house came and fell on the Wicked Witch of the East.
Munchkin 5: I Think its time we called Munchkin Mayor! MAYOR!
Mayor : My God! This is really something! Better call the Judge! JUDGE!
Judge : Oh wow ! Legally, there is one thing left to do CORONOR!
Coronor (Checks around the house ) :Yes, The wicked witch is dead!

Dance1 : MUNCHKIN LAND (Munchkins cheer to happy music beign played.

The break into the dance- The dance Maybe to a customized tune that can
be sung along using lyrics from the munchkin land song)
Glinda (bowing and with a sweet tone) Welcome, noble Sorceress. To
Munchkin Land .We are very grate ful to you for having killed the wicked
witch of the east and for setting all of us munchkins free
Dorothy Youre very kind, but there are must be some kind of mistakes. I
havent killed anything or anybody ! Im just plain old Dorothy and this is my
dog, Toto
Glinda - See for yourself! There are her two feet, still sticking out from under
the house!
(points to the feet and Dorothy turns to look)
Dorothy- (When She sees the feet, she gives a shout of shock) oh, dear! Oh,
no! the house must fallen on her! What shall we do, Toto
Glinda - There is nothing to be done
Dorothy But who was she?
Glinda - She was Wicked witch of the east. She had held all the munchkins
under her control for several years making us her slaves, day and night.
Now, theyve been set free , thanks to you! And We are so very grate ful the
favour! Arent we?
Munchkins Together were very grateful to you ! Thank you very Much !
hurray for the kind sorceress
Dorothy Oh ! Youre most Welcome! But, who are the Munchkins
Munchkins Were the Munchkins !
Dorothy to Glinda And who are you

Glinda I am the Friend , glinda and I amthe with of the North

Munchkin Mayor - When We Saw what happened, we called glinda
Munchkin judge And she came at once!
Dorothy Oh , Gracious ! Are you real witch?
Glinda - Absolutely! .
Munchkin 1- But, shes a Good witch and the Munchkins all love her.
Munchkin 2 -She was not as powerful as the wicked witch was!
Munchkin 3 - She Wouldve been able to free munchkins . but now you have
done it.
Dorothy I thought all the witches were wicked!
(Munchkins laugh)
Munchkin Oh no! There were only 4 witches in all the land of OZ
Munchkin 2 two of them , those who live in the North and south , are good
Munchkin 3- Those who lived in the east and west were the wicked ones,
Munchkin 4 but now that you have killed one of them, these is only one
wicked witch in all the land of Oz
Munchkin 5 the wicked witch of the west !
Dorothy If Witches exist here in the land of Oz, are there wizards too?

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