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Alfred Russel Wallace

By: Jayla Robinson

*Born? January 8, 1823

*Died? November 7, 1913
*Time period of being
relevant? around the

Prevalent theory of evolution ...


In 1848, he made an expedition to the Amazon River.

While he was exploring plants and animals, he
distinguished that some animals had camouflage to help
them hide from predators, and some birds had specially
shaped bills to help them crack open nuts and extract
nectar from plants.

- Some plants had defenses to help fight attacks by insects.

- Those observations led him to develop a theory about how species of
plants and animals gradually change through a process known as
evolution or natural selection.

He researched in the islands of Malaysia in 1854 to 1862.

Also, during that time period, he noted fundamental zoological differences
between the animal species of Asia and Australia.

world-wide events in 1850s


Crimean war (1854-56): fought between Imperial Russia and

a alliance consisting of the United Kingdom of Great
britain and Ireland.

Eight were killed and 142 were wounded in Paris in a failed

assassination attempt on Napoleon III.

tHE iNDIAN mUTINY: the revolt against British colonial rule

in India.

- H
Ma ent o
: Isl

Available technology & Dates of Discovery

1851: Isaac Singer invents a sewing machine.
1852: Henri Giffard builds an airship powered by the first aircraft shipan unsuccessful design.
1853: Invents a manned a glider.

Publications (book wise)

Anthropological Society of London
Linnean Society of London
Linnean Society of London
Royal Geographical Society
.he had way much more.

Acceptants of viewpoints
- He is sometimes called the father of

Contribution to the current theory

of evolution?
- The young british biologist came up with
an idea that would transform humanitys
view of itself.
- He worked out the theory of natural


RIP Alfred Russel Wallace.

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