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Stephen Jay Gould

By: Rebecca Palmer


Photos of Stephen

Time Period

Dr. Gould was born on September 10, 1941

He was one of the most influential evolutionary biologist of the 20th
One of his biggest theorys was punctuated equilibrium
He studied the evolution of life

Prevalent theory

Stephen went against Darwin's theory that the earth was designed a
specific way.
Stephen believes that every little detail matters for the way the world was
He believed every word someone says could have changed the outcome
of how the earth was made
He thinks theres possible life on other planets besides just our.

Major world events

In Stephens high school years there was an ongoing battle with

creationism and evolution
Stephen founded a school known as punctuated equilibrium
Stephen was the author of more than 200 evolutionary essays

Evidence Stephen used

Stephen wrote a lot of books to explain the evidence he got with his
theories of evolution
ex. The mismeasure of man
The Pandas thumb

Technology for this time period

Polariod cameras
Microwave ovens
Atomic bomb

Dates of his discoveries

Theory of punctuated equilibria in mid-1970

He was making discoveries from 1942-2002


Stephen went public using many books that he wrote about his theories.
One in particular was him admitting that he didn't have evidence for his
species selection

How his work contributed to

the current theories

A lot of his research has been proven wrong over the years as technology
continues to improve
Some scientist today however still believe in his work and continue to try
and find evidence to back up his theories on evolution.

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