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What is it? How do I identify it?


n is when a
writer gives an
object the
qualities of a

Which word gives the quality of a
1) The sun stretches its warmth across
the land.
2) The chair danced as the baby bounced
to and fro.
3) The darkness wrapped its arms around

What does this tell you and how do you
1) The wind sang her mournful song
through the falling leaves.
2) The video camera observed the whole
3) The rain kissed my cheeks as it fell.

4) The daffodils nodded their yellow heads
at the walkers.
5) The water beckoned invitingly to the
hot swimmers.
6) The china danced on the shelves
during the earthquake.
7) The car engine coughed and spluttered
when it started during the blizzard.

Personification Poem
This is a poem by a famous poet called
Sylvia Plath.
I am silver and exact.
I have no preconceptions.
Whatever I see I swallow immediately
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.
I am not cruel, only truthful.

This is about a mirror which can speak,

see and swallow as well as tell the truth.

A House Awake
The house awakes and
stretches it chimney to
the sky.
The door opens to greet
the passers by.
The curtains open and the
windows peer out.
The china dances on the
mantelpiece as the
family starts to shout.

Your Turn!

you think of your own example of

personification for leaves falling to the
ground from the tree?

My Examples

leaves danced to the ground.

The leaves hopped off the tree.
The leaves waved goodbye to the tree.
The leaves cried out in pain as they fell
from the tree.

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