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Ld NOLO I the SPEAK Cam Bippreertizi2 bl Pid ru wi 7 i] ya XII {| i 1 | HH aS ! ui lam nok OL ol This issue of SPEAK Out contains up to date details of how many animals Oxford University has been responsible for imprisoning in recent times, but even more sturbingly the details of what they do to animals during experiments - Itis horrific and shocking. y people close thei tun away n faced with the fac the information be pa cothers in an effort to spread the pis be mi Univ research. th against them with cc 1 11 ACen eee ota One CML DISC er} ‘NEW hoodies & T-shirts! To order, state the type and size ‘of merch wanted along with a cheque made out to SPEAK, to the address on the back cover. £17 Hoodies - S, M, L, XL £12 Tee's - S,M,L,XL £12 Lady fit tees - S, M, L includes P&P ee ote) ee Sone Ab ae ACR st fey ie eee 1 eee OT Se Wem cure ees even more needless Tere Reo ome olcakag Niessen ceca eer) review of published animal research in the Tenia a ee CAC con ea ce Oe CD eu ee a keer tee Pee uses afforded to them under UK legislation. Se eee ete Ree Ra es Oe ae eee Pee eS ee tess Ce ee ok usr apparent validity of the research rather than Pitan ene ear) ee eRe Peed Pye eee Cc Pier nee roe hac eae are eae eRe) PU reeereseee Shamed in the BUAV report when it was Pere eee Goes tee en ae PTR oracle nue nS investigate whether the source of ‘afterimages' was in the eye or in the brain. In this shocking re a en Pee eee cee poison throughout the study. Their skulls were: Sawn open and electrodes were inserted into their brains io record brain activity. Their eyes were forced open and focused on images on a TV eee ee aa paralysed stale for five continuous days, during which time they were kept alive with intravenous i een ton h ery Gene eects creed peek Penman esa eS Le reas not an isolated case, as similarly barbaric and ee eh University stretching back over many years, a stall number of which have been described in Beverages But just as alarming isthe thought ofthe See cere is because of problems with the animals, the subject ‘the results. Oxford University apparently doesn’t keep records of the numbers of animals used in ‘experiments that have not gone on to be piers See ee Pees seers Pee een eed ‘experiments, eithar out of concer that they may Peer cme uee er they're being funded by companies who don't want eee eu es scientists unknowingly carrying out identical studies, causing even more animals to suffer ror Mar es et Scene soe eee en ers Geen eee nee ee ea Pee cen rer Mee eter cue) publish all the results from its animal research — Set etree eT erry ee ees ‘economical with the truth, and does not give a Ee ena a uae Peeters Dee aad ‘The number of animals that Oxford University has experimented on and killed inside its laboratories in the last two years has been revealed by a Freedom of Information (FO!) request — and the numbers involved are shocking. In 2010 a whopping 160,042 animals suffered and died at the hands of the University's researchers, which is the largest amount in many years. Last year, 2011, saw a further 186,218 individuals being added to the pile of the dead and mutilated. To put this in perspective, this Is the equivalent of over 427 animals being tortured and killed every single day. However, things erent all as they seem...,There are three kinds of lies: Lies, damn lies and statistics’, and Oxford University is no exception in the statistics it reveals. It clearly states in the FOI disclosed table above that the numbers of primates who underwent procedures and experiments was 41 in 2010 and 22 in 2011. However, this does not tell the whole story as it doesn't include what the University describes as ‘non-invasive’ studies, Which are listed separately In 2010 and 2011 an added 80 and 55 wae primates respectively were used for what the University describes as ‘behavioural work ~ sitting in front of a computer screen doing learning and memory games for food rewards’ However, the BBC documentary Monkeys, Rats and Me, which filmed inside Oxford University, showed exactly what happens to animals who go through this rather pleasant- sounding treatment: they are forced into a tiny cage — called ‘the chair’ by the researchers ~ which is so tiny that thay can hardly move. They are then placed in front of a computer for hours ata time and have to press things in Fish / Amphibians / Reptiles Fowl / Other Birds: Non-human Primates Others (e.g. Rabbits, Guinea Pigs) TOTAL the right order to receive any water or food. The animals are desperate for food and water by this time, as they have bean deprived of them as an incentive to learn ‘Why those primates forced to do so- called ‘behavioural work’ are not included in the number of animals experimented on is not made clear by the University, They are animals and they are being forced to take part in ‘experiments, so why are they excluded from the list? Could this be an attempt by Oxford University to make the number of primates used in experiments appear smalier than it actually is? ‘The next obvious question Is just how many more animals of different species are not listed in the statistics because they too are considered by the University to be insignificant, having also been used in ‘non-invasive’ studies. As shocking as it is, could the total number of animals that have undergone any kind of procedure, whether invasive or non-invasive, be even higher than the 158,000 given? And if yes, just how many extra animals are we talking about? 2010 2011 150,193 149,476 5,676 2716 = 3,326 3,551 = 632 304 at 22 E 194 . 146 160,042 156,215 ‘Then there's the fact that these lists this is the equivalent of over 427 animals being tortured and killed every single day don't include those animals who were killed or died outside of any experiments, the sick, injured or those Who were surplus to requirements, who ‘would have been killed without a second thought and whose numbers the University are not obliged to reveal. Allin all, the facts remain the same — Oxford University causes the suffering and death of thousands upon thousands of animals whose only crimes are that they were unlucky ‘enough to be born in the wrong place at the wrong time, ‘An Oxford University macaque in ‘the chair’ To mark World Day for Laboratory ees eer organised events to bring attention Oe eae ca Ree uN eae Se Meee Peet ee see ‘April in Birmingham city centre, where Ree ewe ata Peete rear eee en en Seance SPEAK joinod SHAC, Animal Equality, eee eee) other anti-vivisection groups in holding een ene oe Cee cu ee ee ne city, inspiring and informative speeches Exists Eo wigs PTE ere tec er a Ce eee Peete ert) everyone on this important and hard- TO ea ee ed me ea ce eed Eee eee ene cet Beam Pe ec ce ere tocas ways animals suffer in laboratories. ene ue a od ee cue aaa er ce men ST Ree ets the vivisectors. re eee eee et Pee emo eet ea through the busiest streets of the city Crete et eee a reece et ks ge ea ‘one point an ant-vivisection banner was dropped from one of the buildings lining eee ake) re ee aa prote: eet nes nee Those taking part in the march wore RRC ary ST ae en a en unnecessary evils of vivisection. At the reece eter cy Ree en a Cent ee en Ry the vivisectors; also to think of the Ree eee suffered horific deaths at the hands of the callous Oxford Ue eee Remrereaec) ee arco Cer ety animals stil incarcerated in vivisection eee ers Eee ey Oe ay Pee cura rs Ce aca ee ic Soe me eerie ens oal Cree es Per nea aed Se een Se ror ea Cre ects Se Sa ee eg that this institution is highly ea Cee Pelee Coe eee oc! DT eM ag Promoter tel dirty secrets, unti the day itis less Coe a uu ce) eh eas Coe So ee plenty going on as more stalls were set Up al the nearby Veged Out Cafe. A benefit gig was held that evening to help es Meee ae ee reek ee eRe? SM eee oe Res See eee CL) Peete ayaa Pee ner es rere ee eo Tee ences Tee ted er ere Certs eee ecu ee ee een ee ee crea) The two activists managed to make their er nal security checks and into the area where the stalls had been set up. Leaflets were Se ene nes Pues Cee ear oe eee ee tea) Cru Ree ec ee eee ee On eect nee eer heen te Cente hare aie killed by these drugs, not to mention the este een Ea Described as the premier European Ce eu auc ee cae eeu ete ud Re cM re investors, the BioTrinity Conference A eee ceed tern ca ‘The BioTrinity conference is the largest Pa sa) eee acre hundred delegates during the three Cee cee Kesey emer ue eae Roche, Pfizer), investors and those Dee nut TOR See ME Ten) ie Ironically the conference started on 24 April, the designated World day for Laboratory Animals, and so, not SL ee ey welcome all with banners and placards showing the suffering animals endure fe ae ee con Ree Se ey Prone create) how the activists had gained entry, trying Cee ere Cu ea ad eee ni) to onlookers. It took several minutes for Dee ue een aa Cor eae eee their demonstration in full view of staff, Pree eee ee es Pee cee ere finally convinced the police to let them Pee eae anus ry CL Rene eu a Ty Seer uae eae ee ene ee a ed Creer eee ea ae ee er) eee ec e vivisection, they will face the increasing eee eR ey eee eae ea Pe Mone Dr Adrian Stallwood is a Specialty Doctor in Emergency Medicine, a skilled clinical teacher, with responsibility for training and assessing University undergraduates ‘and Foundation doctors. He is also ‘Scientific Consultant for Animal Aid. ‘As a medical doctor, and the Scientific Consultant for Animal Aid, | have recently been investigating the ways in which experimenters justi and seek support for their actions. | believe such enquiries have value, because if we clearly understand what these techniques represent, we can more effectively counter and disable them. | am convinced that vivisectionists are employing the language of denial, in a fashion similar to perpetrators of human fights atrocities. | was struck by the lucid breakdown of

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