Sam Clancy's Resume

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Sam Clancy

2954 Flamelight Ct. St. Louis, MO 63129

P: 314.210.1804 E:

Webster University

May 2015

BA in Journalism

Graduated with departmental honors for outstanding achievement in the School of

Communication and Journalism

Media Experience
KSDK: Online Content Producer

Feb. 2015-Present

Write breaking local news for a major local news station in St. Louis, Missouri

Copy edit and lay out reporter stories using video, photo slideshows and text

Manage and copy edit freelance writers for the sports page of

Choose story location on the home, sports and features pages to get the best content in the
best position

Manage the Facebook and Twitter accounts for the station, which have a combined 500,000

Write column-style sports stories for the sports section of

Webster Journal: Managing Editor

Jan. 2015-May 2015

Managed section editors in weekly meetings, organized the story planner

Ensured stories stay on schedule for the print and online edition of the national award winning
student newspaper of Webster University

Wrote, reported and developed stories for the sports and news sections

Webster Journal: Copy Editor

Sept. 2014-Dec. 2014

Edited stories for structure, style, spelling and punctuation according to AP Style

Call to the Pen an MLB Fan Blog

Sept. 2013-Dec. 2014

Formulated and produced stories and slideshows about Major League Baseball

Worked as a member on a writing staff for national fan blog using WordPress


Copy editing for AP Style

Audio and Video editing with Audacity, Final Cut Pro and Edius 7

Website managing with WordPress and Presto

Image editing with Adobe Photoshop

Social media managing using Tweetdeck, Hootsuite and Facebook analytics

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