English9 Close Reading

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Crystal Sharp

Robert Kennedys The Mindless Menace of Violence

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals (Include ACOS standards in this section):

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of
specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language of a court
opinion differs from that of a newspaper). [RI.9-10.4]

Essential Question(s): How does the text apply to life today? Is the discussion on
violence still relevant? Does the speech envoke any emotions from your personal life?
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):


Other Evidence: Annotated text

Stage 3 Learning Plan (Include approximate time for each activity in the learning plan)

Introductory Activity: Students will watch a clip of the speech while reading along.
Body of the lesson: Students will be instructed to complete close reading on the text.
They will take turns reading the text aloud as an initial read.
The teacher will annotate the first paragraph with the class as an example.
The students will then read through the text underlined words that stand out, are important,
or convey a literary device.
Students will turn and talk discussing their annotations and comparing.

Preview of the next lesson: Discussion and overview of the annotated text. Comparing
and contrasting the text to The Oustiders.
Related out of class assignment: Finish annotating text if needed.
Description of co-teaching strategy used in this lesson. If co-teaching was part of
this lesson, describe: co-teaching model used, how and why this particular
strategy was employed, role (lead teacher/secondary teacher), and details of the
implementation of the co-teaching model.
Secondary Education Lesson Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook 2004

Crystal Sharp
Robert Kennedys The Mindless Menace of Violence
Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals (Include ACOS standards in this section):

Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including
figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of
specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language of a court
opinion differs from that of a newspaper). [RI.9-10.4]
Essential Question(s): How does the text apply to life today? Is the discussion on
violence still relevant? Does the speech envoke any emotions from your personal life?
How does the speech relate to The Outsiders and Ponyboy? Does Kennedy reflect the views
of Ponyboy?
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):


Other Evidence: Annotated text, discussion, reflection

Stage 3 Learning Plan (Include approximate time for each activity in the learning plan)
Body of the lesson: Students will use their annotated texts to discuss how it relates to
The Outsiders.
Students will partner up and pick the most important thing in their opinion in the speech.
Each group will write their choice on the board.
Teacher will review these and go over any annotations that were missed.
Students will lead a disscuission on how this speech relates to The Outsiders.
Discussion questions:
How does Kennedys speech relate to violence today?
Has society made progress?
What current events can you relate to this speech?
Do you agree with his mentality towards snipers and war (line 13)?
How does this speech relate to The Outsiders?
Does the speech limit violence to racist crimes only? Why?
Students will write a reflection on the text using the essential questions and this quote, We
must admit to ourselves that our own childrens future cannot be built on the misfortune of
others. We must recognize that this short life can neither be enobled or enriched by hatred
or revenge. Robert Kennedy
Students will share their reflection.

Secondary Education Lesson Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook 2004

Crystal Sharp
Robert Kennedys The Mindless Menace of Violence

Preview of the next lesson: None.

Related out of class assignment: None.
Description of co-teaching strategy used in this lesson. If co-teaching was part of
this lesson, describe: co-teaching model used, how and why this particular
strategy was employed, role (lead teacher/secondary teacher), and details of the
implementation of the co-teaching model.

Secondary Education Lesson Plan Template

Adapted from Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook 2004

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