Beginning of Semester Goal Memo Fall 2014

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To: Tenure Committee Members: Kay Ostberg, Donna Tufariello, and Kim Goudreau

CC: Thompson Brandt

From: Kate Perkins
Date: September 11, 2014
Re: Fall 2014 Semester Objectives
As we discussed in our beginning-of-semester meeting, I would like to share goals I
have set for the fall semester. I will provide two goals, but each goal has sub-parts.
In addition, Goal 1 is a carryover, but I feel it deserves an additional semester.
Goal 1: Promote revision and self-guided learning outside of the classroom
I am carrying over this goal from my Spring 2014 goals because, as I mentioned in
my spring memo, I had the least progress in this area. I have some plans for
improvement here, so hopefully an additional semester working toward this specific
goal will help me make the progress I was aiming for last semester.

Use Moodle for more focused peer-review assignments. Michael has

shown me how to use the Moodle Workshop function, which I plan to use
extensively for my ENGL 121HB section in particular.
Complete 2 ION courses. I have already completed one, am enrolled in
another, and plan to enroll in one for the 2 nd 8-week term this fall. They are
helping me envision more effective self-guided learning activities via our
learning management system.
Research and potentially implement authentic learning activities.
Authentic learning is a subject new to me, but Im very interested in it. I can
see its value to composition students, so I want to develop some useful small
and large authentic learning opportunities to build into my courses. (I am
open to suggestions for these opportunities, so please share!)
Continue to develop flipped lessons. I have a few flipped lessons already
prepared, but I hope to make more videos and flipped lessons to take much
of the unnecessary lecture out of my classes.

Goal 2: Enhance in-class writing portion of composition courses

This goal is another I have been thinking about for a while, but I have not yet
formally addressed it in my tenure goals. The purpose of this goal is to continue to
move my classes from the traditional lecture/activity-based model to a more handson approach. Research shows that learning by doing is the most effective approach
to skill-building, so requiring more writing in class will only help students learn the
concepts of the course.

Prepare more individual written activities and writing assignments.

This goes along with one of my spring goals of individualizing activities;
however, this semester, I will focus even more on individual writing. These
activities will range from creating examples of course concepts like strong

paragraphs to having time to work on major assignment in a workshop

Add reflection components more often. I already ask students to reflect
on my comments to ensure they understand the feedback I provide for their
written assignments. However, this semester I am adding pre-reflections (an
in-class reflection due the same day as the assignment) and plans-of-action
assignments (post-essay assignments that require students to set goals for
the next essay).
Get grammar quizzes and tests out of the classroom. This sub-point
will help me achieve both goals. Students will take Moodle quizzes at home
or in the testing center, which will promote self-guided learning and free
class time for more writing.

These goals may, at first, seem contradictory, but they align with my ultimate goal
of providing a more effective composition course for students. If I can achieve a
classroom atmosphere that encourages learning outside the classroom with writing
inside the classroom, ideally, my courses will be more effective for the majority of
I look forward to hearing the committees feedback on these goals.

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